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lights in the image


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You are supposed to use a gobo.....this is something that keeps the light from hitting the front element of the lens. A good lens shade or something to block the light on a light stand/ hand held....gobo. If the light does hit the lens front element you will lose contrast.
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assuming you are shooting digitally, the simple answer is post processing... In photoshop, if you have a "washed out" image from having a light in the frame, raising the black level (using levels)will generally clean up the problem really easily.


I assume thats an easy process in almost any photo editor...


I also am guessing that lens choice could play a role, and that prime lenses might do better here too, especially without filters... That is really just a flat guess with nothing to back it up, though.


Here's a stylized example, but I don't remember exactly what the original was like, or how washed out it was. shot with an 85 1.4.<div>00MCzt-37911984.jpg.09e929b3efeca0db38cc061a278f0ff0.jpg</div>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah right! I went on a shoot as a lighting consultant basically, knowing I was going to shoot fetishy type stuff, but mainly to help achieve a high key white seamless look without tons of post processing... Turns out this girl was pretty tame compared to the other: Literally a porn star...


My wife wasnt amused. I was. Needless to say I haven't gone on anymore lighting consultant gigs.

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