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Yashica Mat and mustiness


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You can put the camers in a sealed plastic bag or plastic container along with some silica gel. You can also get a bag or activated charcoal (pet supply store) or a few boxes of baking soda. Put either the charcoal or the baking soda (open) into a sealed flastic container with the camera. Make sure the charcoal or baking soda doesn't actually touch the camera.
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I don't like to seal mine in anything. The main thing is to clean the camera to remove the odorant, and thus the source of the smell. After cleaning, leave the camera where it can be in fresh, moving air -- outdoors is ideal but not always practical. Give it several days, at least. Stubborn cases need more time.
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Your problem is a fungus growth causing the smell. It may not be serious yet but smells enough to indicate you do have grownth.


Clean the entire camera out with alcohol. Do every surface you can reach especially the interior. Do a nice detailed cleaning with Q-Tips n pads. Also, if posable, take off the focusing screen and clean the mirror box, while in there do the mirror and rear of the viewing lens. Apply some liquid shoe polish to the leather and show off your brand new camera.


Oh and if you want a nice fresh clcean smell, put a clothes dryer softener sheet in the camera for a few days.

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