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How likely is to have 2 anonymous 3/3s for two distinct photos, 4 days after the postings?


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Somebody must have searched for them, of course, in the rate category section!

He or she must have browsed a lot. But he or she must have had a really

compelling reason. Revenge? Not excluded; I make uncomfortable comments

sometimes... <p>But here we go again: if you really want decent feed-back for

your work you have to make "constructive-eulogistic" comments to as much photos

as possible. Is this normal? 90% of the photos posted here are tasteless

snapshots. What should we do? Lie? Not comment them at all? Make constructive

critique? As I heard somebody saying, you can't make constructive critique to a

really bad photo, because otherwise you will finish by saying "the photo would

have been great if you had shot another subject, with a different light, with

different gear and set of skills".

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I am really starting to think, "what is the point." I post my pictures hoping for feedback, only to be fodder for the 3/3s and now it seems the 3/4 (Or 4/3). I have been told, just place the photo for critique, but that is really a joke. It is more the "Exception to the Rule" that a comment left has any real constructive remarks. Mostly it is a comment stating, (while I appreciate them) they like the photo or good job. Most of the time you can go thru the critique forum and find most photos have a few rating (several and likely random 3/3) and NO comments. I try to go through and comment on as many as I can that do not have comments, but to be fair, I can only comment from limited knowledge.


IMO, the only photos that really garner "Comments" on the "Critique" forum are those Exceptional or Outstanding photos, hence the name should be changed to the Comment Forum.


Truly we, people who are attempting to learn are disadvantaged here. You post your photo and hope that someone take the time to consider you work and leave a worthwhile comment before 25 people post their 4 shots and you are bounced of the page.


What is needed here is a separate forum for those of us seeking advise, which is the baseline of this site. I think the critique forum has lost its focus....



OK I am going back to bed, I just needed to vent.

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