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Changing the document size in PS

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Probably a real elementary question, but here goes. When preparing a photo for print, is it vital to resize

the image in PS to match the size of what the actual print will be using resampling (wanting to keep it at a

reasonable DPI)? I used to get prints made without doing this and they seemed to turn out quite well even

though the PS document size listed was smaller. Thank you for any help you could give me on this!


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Ronald and Mendel, thank you very much for responding. I may not have explained myself

very well though. What I'm wondering is if when I open an image in PS and the image size is

14.5 X 9.5 inches @ 240 PPI and I want to print it as a 16 X20 @ 240 PPI, is the image quality

going to suffer if I don't resample to bring it up to the larger size.<br> Thanks


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Sorry Gary, misread your question. If you haven't already found it, this might be helpful:




I'm interested in this as well. I've just acquired a 13x19 printer, and many of my images are from a Canon 20D. They drop to around 195 dpi if printing say 12x18 withough resample.


I suspect you'd be hard-pressed to see any difference, if you don't drop the dpi too far. Test it out, and compare with loupe?

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