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Amidol dilution


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For the amidol users: what do you regard as a standard (or starting point) dilution for amidol, and what is the range of results one can expect by changing dilutions. (If it matters, in my case the Amidol would be one of those available from Photographer's Formulary, and it would be used with Azo.






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I find most amidol formulas (like Ansco 113, or Weston's formula) a

bit contrasty when used straight, so I usually dilute them 2:1 (2

parts developer, one part water) or 1:1, depending on the paper and

the contrast of the negative I'm printing. You can dilute 1:2 (1 part

developer, 2 parts water) if you need even less contrast--I haven't

tried dilutions any higher than that.




If you get to the point where you want to mix your own, I recommend

Samuel Fein's formula--it uses benzotriazole instead of bromide and

gives a remarkably different color. I'm not sure how Azo would

respond to it.

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I'd strongly urge you not to use the Photographer's Formulary Amidol

formula and instead use the formula provided by Michael Smith in one

of the Amidol articles posted on his web site. One of the criticisms

of Amidol has been its short tray life - about two hours. That is the

case with the Photographer's Formulary Amidol that I first used.

Michael's will last much, much longer. I usually put 1 liter in an 8

x 10 tray and it lasts for a five or six hour session. Unless you

like really short darkroom sessions, it's much more convenient and

much less expensive to use Michael's formula.




I'm not sure I understand what you mean in asking what dilution of

Amidol people use. Amidol is a developer that consists of various

chemicals including, but not limited to, Amidol itself. You mix the

chemicals in whatever quantity you want (one liter, two liters, etc.)

and the use it straight. Michael Smith's forumla for 1000 liters of

working solution is: 1 liter of water, 30 grams sodium sulfite, 3

grams citric acid, 2 ccs of a 10% solution of potassium bromide (e.g.

10 grams of potassium bromide to 100 mls of water = a 10% solution),

and 8 grams of Amidol. The 10% solution doesn't have to made up every

time since you use so little of it. Michael's formula is very similar

to the Photograher's Formulary version except as I recall theirs

doesn't include the citric acid and (again from memory attending

Michael's workshop several years ago) it's the citric acid that

allows for the much longer life of his formula. You can purchase all

of these chemicals from Photographer's Formulary or other chemical

supply places less expensive than PF.

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The best formula for Amidol with Azo is posted on our web site in the

article I wrote on printing with Azo. Brian has it right for 1000 cc,

but if you increase the quantity, the proportions change. See the

article. www.michaelandpaula.com




the best place to buy Amidol is Artcraft Chemicals: 800-682-1730. Call

between 6:30 and 8:30 eastern time.




Incidentally, we are now Azo dealers. See full explanation on the site

under "Azo". I'm happy to answer any questions if you e-mail me direct.

We'll be away for 2 months and it will be impossible to get to the web,

though we will be getting e-mail every two weeks or so.




Michael A. Smith

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