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What workflow software?

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What are your circumstances, and how do you intend to use it?


I'm fairly experienced with DP2, but trying to describe it without some idea of the application is like a giving a quick detailed summary of the systems on the Space Shuttle.


If you want something to track a few events or soccer teams it's WAAAY overkill. On the other hand, if you need to keep up with a half-dozen photographers and run the entire operation with one part-time operator, it may be just what you need.

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In that case, DP2 is a good choice, if a bit pricey. My former employer uses it for elementary schools, among other things. It takes a bit of programming and database set-up, but once it's set, you can feed it a CSV student list and it will handle all the printing, etc, automatically, including packages, composites, posters, student IDs, and so on. It can even be used to print order envelopes on a laser printer with a student's proof image(s). You can, if you want, use it to print the delivery envelopes or labels, too. You can use it with just about every digital printer ever made, or export to a digital lab. His newest project is a full on-line ordering system which feeds the orders directly into DP2.


DP2 has some of the best hot-folder support I've ever seen, is fully scriptable (DP2 is actually a script itself, and every line is available to the in-house programmer) and the database is fully documented and accessible. A large part of my job was integrating a point-of-sale system, which was fairly easy since Kodak lets the user manipulate the DP2 database externally.


Kodak's tech support is excellent, and they offer live online education and troubleshooting.


On the other hand, like perl, DP2 is a swiss army howitzer: you can do anything you want, but you can shoot yourself in the foot and take off both legs in the process.


If you have any specific questions, let me know.

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Thanks for that information, Rand. The company that I work for actually uses DP2 but never received full training on the software by Kodak. They were not told anything about DP2's database so they decided to look elsewhere for it. To say the least, they have not been happy with Kodak's support. I'm new to this company and have been put in charge of solving their workflow problems. If DP2 can do this, that would be great! When we spoke to our Kodak guy the other day, we did mention that we are also looking at Timestone. Well, he's very attentive to our needs now and will be coming in on Monday to "show us few things". If it works out that we stay with DP2, I'll come back to this forum and look for you if I need help. Thanks again.
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