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Hi everyone. i thought this was a rather interesting story, i saw an article in

the daily mail (U.K), last saturday i think. The article was talking about

orbs, strange unexplainabe circles of light appearing on some photographs. at

first i thought it may have been a hoax but after a little bit of reasearch it

appears that several scientists are of the opinion that orbs exist, there have

also apparently been thousands of photos from all around the world with them

in. I was just wondering if anyone has experienced this phenominon.

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A technical explanation from wikipedia:


A solid orb, or dust orb, is created because a reflective solid airborne particle, such as a dust particle, is situated near the camera lens and outside the depth of field, in other words out of focus. The pinpoint of light reflected from the dust particle that would be seen if it were at the hyperfocal distance, the distance from the film or charge-coupled device (CCD) to the object being photographed wherby the object is in focus as accurately as possible, grows into a circle of confusion with increasing distance from it.

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martain, that explanation seems to make sence to me, however the article in the paper discounted this by saying that if they used two cameras simultaniously one of them would show an "orb" and the other wouldn't. i'm not quite sure of the details to that experiment. but yea,
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Daniel: Two cameras shooting at the same scene at the same time are NOT going to catch the same dust particle with its luck-of-the-draw reflective surface(s) drifting into just the same angle (relative to the particular camera and its flash). This whole this is just so laughable - or, would be, if it didn't (along with illuminating out of focus dust and water droplets) illuminate just how poor most people are at simple critical thinking, or how anxious people are to look for a glimpse of something supernatural when the actual real world is right there waiting to be seen and understood (dust particles and all). This whole topic says more about our culture than it does about proliferation of cameras catching out-of-focus floaty bits in the air and, through aggressive JPG sharpening, producing artifacts in an image that look like the ghost of Aunt Tilley holding her favorite vintage turkey baster. *sigh*


The test they SHOULD have done? Do this in an industrial clean room (with super-filtered air), and then do it again after beating a carpet in the air. But then we'd have an article about how beating Persian Carpets summons up Persian Orb Genies.

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I have never photographed an orb, but have seen many with my eyes. Most pictures of orbs I have seen appear to be lens flare or dust or camera movement where there is a bright spot in the frame. The pictures I have looked at most often don't look like the orbs I have witnessed.
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As for these "scientists"--who ARE they? All the UFO guys on TV are "scientists", ditto for the "creation scientists". Real scientists publish in peer-reviewed journals, not in fringe publications or the newspapers. I predict you will find it difficult to impossible to find any serious scientific journal that has published on 'orbs' or whatever they called those thingies that were supposed to flash across video pictures. The magazine Skeptical Inquirer has published on these and the serious consensus appears to be in the lens flare, reflection, etc. camp.
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