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Mamiya M645 mirror goes up half way as you clock the shutter


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I am stepping into medium format recently, therefore, I bought a Mamiya M645

with AE prism.


Everything is fine except, when I wind the crank to clock the shutter. (there is

not film in it) The mirror goes half way up and stay there till I press the

shutter and it goes up fully and drops back where it is supposed to be.


Is that a normal thing or my camera is broken?



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<p>Burak, my M645 just started doing this as well. Its not normal and I'm not

sure what causes it. I first thought it was a battery problem but replacing it

didn't do anything. The camera still functions well its just a little

irritating. A work around is to compose the image with the mirror down, then

lock up the mirror and wind the camera to the next frame. If your camera is doing

the exact same thing as mind the shutter will fire as soon as the film is

completely advanced to the next frame.<br>


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