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5D and 430EX exposure problems--HELP


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Hello everyone!

I finally broke down and got a 5D. Seems to have a problem with the 430

flashes I have. I use Quantum QB1+ batteries to keep them flashing. But I

noticed the first time using the new body and my flashes together exposures

under about 10-ish feet get blown way way (I mean the subject gets so washed

out, you can?t even tell what sex they are) out. However, if the subject is

farther than about 15-ish feet, it seems to be ok. Yes, I was shooting TTL

(not something spazed like manual). I have never had this problem with my film


Oh, while you?re reading I also noticed that the flash didn?t want to charge

back up like normal either. I could shoot once or twice, then I would have to

turn the flash off, then on, and it would charge up fine. And if either the

flash or the 5D body went to ?sleep? I would have to start over again as well.

Any one have any ideas? Or have something similar happen to them?



Shawn Hooper

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TTL is your problem. When the flash defaults to TTL it thinks you're using an older film body, and TTL only works with film bodies and fires at full power. The 5D can only use E-TTL or manual power with the 430EX. The flash LCD should read E-TTL. Often this problem happens when you have poor conductivity with the flash contacts. Make sure the contacts on flash and shoe are squeaky clean and the flash is fully seated and snug. The other possibility is you fired the flash circuits. Try another unit and see if it defaults to E-TTL. If it defaults to TTL as well the 5D needs service.


I use a 430EX and 5D and it's the most perfect combo exposure-wise I have owned. I rarely need to diddle the FEC dial. The same flash on my 10D or 20D requires lots of overrides.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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