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"Photography is not a Spectator Sport" by Ken Rockwell

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Thomas, we've come a long way since the beginnings of photography. But let's not overlook the fact that the B&W medium was inherently more artistic precisely because it did not capture reality. The B&W landscape is an alternate universe that has its own parameters for successful aesthetics. The early masters were able to capitalize on these differences and make 'art'.


For me, creative photography requires 'intent' and really great photos are photos that can create a reality only obtainable via the medium of photography...i.e.something that would not appear the same way in real life. So whatever the original scientific intentions of photography were, to capture reality, that is irrelevant as to how the medium is regarded today. Of course capturing reality still has its place in a newspaper or to present evidence in a courtroom. But as a hobby and here on photo.net , that is not the criteria one should use.


"Think about it, without spectators, there'd be no purpose for modern-day sports..."


I'm not the one coming down hot and heavy on spectators...that'd be Rockwell. I was merely pointing out that his form of photography is also very 'passive' and he could be categorized as a spectator by those photographers with a great deal more talent and vision than he.




I'm not sure there's anything more banal than telling people to go out and start taking pictures. I'd rather take no pictures than to take a thousand worthless ones. Rockwell's portfolio doesn't impress me...and I would suggest that he spend more time at home

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"But let's not overlook the fact that the B&W medium was inherently more artistic precisely because it did not capture reality. The B&W landscape is an alternate universe that has its own parameters for successful aesthetics. The early masters were able to capitalize on these differences and make 'art'."


Stieglitz didn't have color and Ansel didn't like color cause he couldn't control it as he could B&W.


"For me, creative photography requires..."


Those are you're terms, but those terms only apply to your efforts as they don't apply to others.


"So whatever the original scientific intentions of photography were, to capture reality, that is irrelevant as to how the medium is regarded today."


No it isn't. Photography hasn't changed one iota from it's intended purpose, the act of recording landscape in the real but it has expanded on it's original intent and become multi-dimensional, which includes original intent.


"I'm not sure there's anything more banal than telling people to go out and start taking pictures."


That's not what he was saying.


"You can't pop open a huge camera case and expect photos to appear by themselves, but this is the dream put forward by most camera companies."


Photography is a verb and requires effort, above and beyond "just" talking about it.


"To make photographs, you have to stop analyzing and go make photographs."


"You can watch others do photography, but the only way to make good photos is to get out there, get up early, get dirty, and just do it."


One, in order to learn to create, needs to take the time to learn, which includes the act of doing; practice.


He was simply trying to be encouraging folks to do more than just talk about taking pictures.

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Need that edit feature. Doh!


"Those are you're terms, but those terms only apply to your efforts as they don't apply to others."


Those are your terms, but those terms only apply to your efforts as they don't apply to other's.




"He was simply trying to be encouraging folks to do more than just talk about taking pictures."


He was simply trying to be encouraging of folks to do more than just talk about taking pictures.


Double Doh! :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I take this point of view for what it is worth. Do I have to kick myself in the butt to bring my camera? Yeah, sometimes, when photography is incidental to the day's events. I have a secret I have never shared on PN before: I feel that if I stop taking photos today, or Providence forbid,be disabled so I CANNOT get out or get it up for setting up the gear, then I truly believe what I have done over the past umpteen years qualifies me as a successful photographer...sure my wife and my old boss said I was 'almost professional' whatever that means. Do I also see my calling as sharing some info (hopefully useful) with others? Yeah sure, and that is a useful calling. Bitching and moaning is not. And judging others is not,even when they say " Give it to me straight,pal"


And I don't even know if this is faintly responsive to this thread,but it triggered some philosophical seeds that have been sprouting up there in the weeds for a while.


Aloha, Gerry, Mililani Town, HI


And no, ya can't just click your shutter anywhere on Kauai and get a great shot. Biggest challenge is to not tell folks that I am weary of closeups of bees sitting on flowers. How about a nice juicy chameleon for a 'change?'

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