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Please ! HELP

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My name is Myriam and I live in Los Angeles. I actually just moved here from

Paris, France. Here's my problem: How can I advertise my business ( i work from

home),while keeping costs to a minimum. I am litterally DYING here. I am waking

up every night in sweat because i just don't know how i am going to survive

until next month...This is how bad it really is. In France I had no problems. I

lived in my town my whole life and people knew me. The only advertisement used

was word of mouth. I do not have a lot of money...and i am scared. Did i

mention that i also have a family that i'm supporting all on my own. sorry...I

just deseperatly need help. Any imput will be greatly appreciated. Back home, I

specialized in baby portraits as well as weddings. I did a lot of commercial

work also. Where do I go from there ?


Thank you in advance for all the help.



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You have some very good work. Now you just have to get the word out. Unfortunately you are in a saturated market in LA. I would say introduce yourself to different bridal businesses, such as florists, bridal boutiques and wedding planners. Pass out business cards and flyers to the bridal businesses.


The Big thing to remember you are selling yourself, so you need to be comfortable and confident. Not to many photographers can say the worked in Europe so play that up.


Here is a list of bridal shows to http://www.premierbridela.com/shows.php


Well good luck.

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Hi Myriam,


I really do feel your pain! I was in your situation just a few short years ago. One of the best ways I started getting business was through displays in local businesses, such as Children's clothing boutiques, pediatrician and obgyn/birthcenter offices. Be sure to include a brochure about your business in your display along with a framed portrait. I started getting calls in just a few days after I did this!


Good luck, and let us know how it goes!



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Your pickle account look great but what i am wondering is that some of your nature photos look like a windows wallpapers that i have on a laptop. If your selling some of your photos for things like windows wallpapers you should be getting some royalties or soemthing for that. After seeing that i find it hard to believe any of those photos are yours. Not to mention that with a portfolio like that you shouldnt have much issue with finding work with them. Again i dont think most of these photos are your work, and i hope that im wrong.
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<p>If I were starting out, I would go to the top 5 or 10 photographers in LA and ask them for work. I used to own a very high profile photography business in DC. We charged a lot of money and had great clients. But, only 2-3 photographers a year would call me up asking for work. It always amazed me.</p>

<p>But, I have to say, that as much money exists here in LA, photographers are a dime a dozen. There is a saying that LA will chew you up and spit you back out.</p>

<p>There is also another saying, "Don't quit your day job." I would definitely find a job anywhere, in a restaurant, with a graphic design company, a marketing company, just do something to get money coming in the door. Then, at night and on the weekends, practice your photography.</p>

<p>From a grass-roots marketing perspective, you need to find the private day schools that are all around LA. Meet with the director and offer to do some lifestyle photography of the children. Give away a gift certificate for a free sitting. For you weddings, you need to contact the Directors of Catering at all the hotels that do weddings.</p>

<p>Most of your business will come leads and referrals should be coming from hotels, other photographers, and other wedding venues. If all else fails, consider moving to an area of the country where it's not quite so expensive to live. I've heard that LA photographers do significantly better in Southern Florida. When I did some test marketing around the country, I got some great response from San Francisco.</p>

<p>Hope that helps <a href="http://www.blakenewman.com" target="_blank" title="blake newman">Blake Newman</a>, <a href="http://www.fotobiz.com" target="_blank" title="free online calendar">FotoBiz</a>™

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You might help yourself a bit more if you didn't indulge in deceit.


This image http://www.pickle.com/myriam/107/593903


is the same as the image used in this site: http://www.trustedreviews.com/displays/review/2007/03/09/Samsung-SyncMaster-226BW/p1


as is this image you claim is also yours:http://www.pickle.com/myriam/107/593916


and which is also on this site here: http://www.trustedreviews.com/displays/review/2007/03/09/Samsung-SyncMaster-226BW/p3



Only two explanations come to mind - you are actually the photographer responsible for taking these images and own the copyright.




You are passing off someone else's images you've stolen from the web or stock/royalty free images as your own.


If it's the former I apologise unreservedly for my intemperate and ill-founded comments, and I hope the regular income from their sales is useful.


If it's the latter then you should be ashamed of yourself because people have offered you advice in good faith and have been deceived.


Are any of these Pickle images actually yours? Or are they all stolen from other sites or taken from royalty free CD's?


Andrew Violet was correct in his assessment of your situation.

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I should add that you might consider replying and clarifying the situation regarding ownership/copyright in these images on your Pickle site, and reassuring us that they are yours.


Why bother? Well in case you are unaware, this forum is archived, so in future any prospective customers doing a Google search for you, using your name, will unearth this page.


That might not do your 'reputation' any good in the longer term.

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