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Is Mark Hama so prolific - Yashica 124G's on ebay

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There is a seller on ebay who has sold 18 Yashica 124G's in the past 3 months,

all of which are sold with the legend 'refurbished by Mark Hama'. I know that

Mark is the top Yashica CLA guy but that is a lot of cameras to have been done

by him all falling into the hands of one seller and as the seller is selling

them with a buy it now of $150, Mark must be refurbishing them extremely

cheaply! The seller is 'lakesuwa' if anyone can reassure me that this

refurbishment is kosher before I put my money down then I would be grateful.

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Mark has been doing cameras for years so I am not surprised that he has dozens of them. Maybe the sell off is an early signal that he will be retiring soon ... I hope not! In the past few years I have sent him 4 different Yashicas: a 124G (daughter's), a 124 (son's), a 635 and an old Mat w/Lumaxar lenses which were mine. Over the years I have read numerous comments about Mark's work and the vast majority (99%) have been high praise. My experience with Mark has been thumbs up ... quick turn around time and excellent workmanship. The cameras are returned looking, feeling and shooting A1. I only wish that everyone I do business with was as professional. Money spent with Mark will be well spent. Both my gems and a sample of their out put may be seen at:



Regards to all,




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