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What to setup for a ball


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I'm trying to learn portrait shooting and I'm organising a charity ball

(nothing big), while there I'm going to have a basic setup in the so people can

get a portrait while all 'dolled' up.


I have Elincrom D-Lite 2 kit and 3 Microblitz Minilites. For background I'm

going for a basic muslin with soft pattern (nothing unusual). As I don't know

how many people I'm going to be shooting, likely to be one or two people up to

small groups of say 5 I was wondering how you would go about setting up.


My goal is to make a standard setup for all shots (with the setting adjustments

as needed) so I don't have to move everything around, is this possible or will

I have to make changes. I'm not looking for perfection in each shot as I

appreciate this would take many more changes so any advice appreciated. If I

can get a setting where the shots are usable that would be fab, am I asking too

much or can this be done?





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