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Transfering white balance from one image to another


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I've shot a series of pictures but only halfway I've set the exact (PRE) white

balance using a grey card (my bad, I just forgot!). How can I transfer that

setting to the first half of the series?


I'm using Capture NX nowadays. Somewhere in the back of my mind a little voice

says I have actually pulled this trick in the past. I just can't remember with

which software. It just had this 'use white balance setting from other file...'


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If you shot them in RAW you don't have a problem, if you shot in JPG you do. If shot in RAW just copy the changes/settings from an open RAW file (right click on the menu on the right, select copy settings. Then do the same only select paste settings to an open file you want to apply those changes to.
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Using NX and RAW it is very simple. Open one of the images, make white balance and any other corrections that you want to apply to all of the images were you missed the white balance. Click on BATCH in the drop down menus and select COPY SETTINGS. Open you thumbnail window, click to highlight on the first image where you want to copy the settings, holding down CTRL click to highlight on the remainder of the images that you want to correct, then either right click on one and select PASTE SETTINGS or again click on BATCH and select PASTE SETTINGS. You will get a series of windows, just say yes or okay and the settings will be applied to all of the images that are highlighted.
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I tried - and it doesn't work!


You can use this to batch process images to one of the Capture NX white balance presets, but not to copy a custom white balance setting (PRE) recorded with the camera.

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Update: in addition to copying the preset white balances, Capture NX also copies the custom white balance made in Capture NX itself using the 'set grey point' function.


However, this still does not solve my original problem.

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Doesn't NX report the colour temperature and tint set at the time so you can the set these manually on another image and then cut and paste from their


You could also try tone up for $15. Its the only other software to capture in camera settings.




The developer will probably add the feature for you if its not their, no really he will

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