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first TRI-X 400 too flat what's wrong?

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I've develop my firts series of tri-x 400 and the result was too flat.


develop rodinal 1+50 5 minuts at 24?

30 sec first agitation and 10 sec every minut for the other.


What's wrong in my process and for 24? what would be the correct time of


What can i do to increase the contrast?

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Contrast is controlled by time in developer. Incrase time.


Find a full tonal subject and make a series of exposures. Pick the one with the least exposure that gives adequate shadow detail (detail in the darkest areas). You need to develope six frames only ( 12 inches of film) and print them so the black is correct. If the whites are grey, develope longer. If the whites are washed out without detail, cut the time. Use fresh develope for each try on the film and use print developer only 8 hours after mixed to working strength.

I am guessing you need 8 minutes, but it has been a long time.


Exposure controls detail in the shadows, and development controls contrast.

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Ciao, credo chela hai sviluppata per troppo poco tempo. la formula corretta dovrebbe essere

14 min a 20 gradi. a 24 gradi, con buona approssimazione dovrebbe essere sviluppata per

circa 10 minuti. In ogni caso, dato le temperature estive, io preparo la quantitࠤi acqua a

utilizzare e la metto in frigo fino a quando non ha raggiunto i venti gradi e cosi sviluppo per

14 min a 20 gradi.





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Massive Dev chart gives a time of 13 minutes for Tri-X in Rodinal 1+50 at 20 degrees. According to the ilford time/temp compensation chart, 13 minutes at 20 degrees is equal to 9 minutes at 24 degrees. You under developed by 4 minutes.
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