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can someone explain how they effectively use the 'flagging' in lightroom to

sort their images? are you using it to mark images that are keepers and images

that are trash?? wouldn't it be easier to just delete the trash images instead

of marking them? does flagging sort into groups?


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I use flags to sort the keepers from the trash.


I hit the caps lock filter for white flag and clear flag, and then hit 'P' or 'X' to scroll through them. The X images dissapear automatically and it moves me to the next image.


I do this because it's really fast, and if you make a mistake or change you mind, the images are still in the library and can be filtered easily.

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Flagging lets you do a lightning fast pre-sort.


Try this: Go to single image view ("E") and show just unpicked images. You can collapse all the side windows and title bar and get a big image to work with. Click on either the Pick or Reject flag. The image dissappears and the next one comes up automatically. You can zoom through an entire event in no time.


A bit uncertain? Do the same thing again, showing only Rejects, and give them a second chance. You can re-cull the Picks again the same way, too.


Finally, there are menu options to convert any remaining Unflagged to Rejects, remove all the Rejects from the catalog, and convert Picks back to Unflagged.


The best things about flagging vs removing is that you can change your mind, or keep an otherwise bad image around for other uses. This week we had a group shot which dissappeared completely after sorting: there was somthing wrong with every shot. Instead of going back and re-importing them, I was able to quickly grab two of the rejects and use PS to un-blink some eyes and make a sale.

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I arrow through an entire catalog and "P"-key (Pick) the ones I want.


Eventually I will delete all the RAW files (after I've exported the keepers to JPG and

completed the contract with the b&g).


In the meantime, I can easily look back through the unpicked images and look confirm for

the bride that, no, there is NOT a different shot of Aunt Bertha petting the family dog. ;) I

can also Pick an unpicked image if I see the need to add a couple more formals, or include

an only so-so candid shot of someone I know was important to the family. It's good to

have options.

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Oh, after I have my Picks (the flagged images), I can also color label the Picks that I want to

highlight for placement on our blog. It's a fast way to narrow down to the absolute favorites

of the day, without disrupting my flagging strategy for the entire wedding.

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We highlight all the images, flag them all, and then as we decide on ones that we don't want to include, we unflag them, leaving only the flagged images ("show picks only" option). It's a process of elimination this way. I love using Lightroom for culling--it's lighting fast at the options we now have to do quick comparisons is wonderful.



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