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since this is the "casual conversation forum"...

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Simply put, I got tired of going thru the hassle of loading pictures to the portfolio, naming them, and putting them out for critique, only to be blown off. I wasn't looking for a pat on the back, I was looking to learn. The problem is, there are too many people on PN who run with the elites, and not enough people who want to extend a helping hand. I've never been afraid of good, solid critique, however harsh it might look. I've moved to another forum now, where at least I get the help I need.
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Dick, First let me say that hopefully my last little diatribe didn't sound like I was trying to lecture you (I'm a bit fearful it DID sound that way...), but I assure you I wasn't. I initially just wanted to make one point, but my mind raced forward and I thought out loud as much as anything...but regardless...felt/feel I'm pretty much on target. The rating system? yea you're right. If people would use it correctly of course...it might be helpful. Most people just rate considering one thing...do I like...do I dislike it. You mentioned he word "mentoring". I wouldn't say that I try to mentor people simply because I...like you...don' think I've earned the right to call myself a photographic "mentor". However, I try to share my limited knowledge...on a limited basis. Like someone said in here recently...you don't have to be a world class chef to know if something tastes good. Sometimes I know when a photo is "bad"...but have no idea what it might take to correct it...and at these times I let the photographer know just that...and encourage them to find someone who does. As for "beauty in the eye of the beholder"... I agree up to about maybe...98%. I believe some people use that philosophy to excuse themselves from learning basic photographic principles...and therefore are seldom receptive of any criticism, using "beauty in the eye..." as their escape clause. If we take that philosophy to the infinite degree...there would be NO criticism of ANY photograph...EVER. But i've said many times... I LOVE TO BREAK THE RULES! ...and encourage others to do so on a regular basis...if the result is a photograph that pleases them...and not just an act of rebellion for rebelliion's sake. In the end, do whatever the hell floats your boat...but when you do ...don't expect that everyone, or anyone for that matter, will enjoy it. In photography...but in every aspect of life...I believe that balance is an incredibly valuable word. But that's another subject for another day...I'm now going to your portfolio to take a look! Enjoyed your wise words and BALANCED, mature outlook...
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Well, thank you John. I did not really think you were giving me a lecture. What I do when I post on these threads is to cite my own experience rather than give advice. If there is something in that experience than can help someone then so be it. I think I could be called an aviation expert. I spent forty-one years going from flying to senior management of aviation programs. What I learned about my expertise was that I was constantly awed about what I didn't know and that my greatest talent was hiring smart people and then listening carefully to what they told me. That's how I survived. I like this site because by listening to others I learn a little something about the subject each time I come on. After having had my own photo business, frankly, I am glad I chose aviation. I worked damn hard at the photo business for a lot less than I made in my other career. So I admire those who hack out a living doing wedding after wedding. I only did it for about six or seven years in retirement and I had had enough at my advanced age. But I love photography. I spent the afternoon in my studio balancing lighting by taking my own picture while I placed the hair light and the other three lights against a new back drop.
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Jim...you weren't rambling...ya made perfect sense! I'll just comment on one thing you said. Your "7"s...and they are legendary photos well deserving of anyones "7" mark...are the best of the best. There will obviously be few photographs on this site or any other that will compare. But...that doesn't mean that there are no "excellent" photographs posted. PNets criteria...minimally explained as it is...that the "7" photograph is an "excellent" photograph....(which is good...), but the part I don't like or agree with...is that the excellence is determined by comparing to the photograph to the "best" photographs on site. To me... that makes it all into a contest. IMHO an excellent photograph is excellent regardless of how it compares to anything else. If it's excellent...it's excellent, period. Of course...as you said...it's all subjective to a degree. I would humbly suggest that you consider looking for the excellence in any and every photograph you see...ya might be surprised if you look closely! best regards, john
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finally getting to speak with you! i'm glad you're here and speaking up. i'm a bit uncertain about parts of your comments...as to exactly what you're saying, but i do understand that you're a bit upset that people aren't responding to your work...whether positively or negatively. first encouragement would be to post a bunch of pics! i see only one photograph in your portfolio! post the good, the bad, the ugly....just post something! you obviously are craving interaction with your peers and obvious that you want to learn...and that's what this site is supposed to be about! next, comment/critique/rate the work of your peers. don't let it be all about you! begin to meet people and show an interest in their work and the vast majority of them will respond to you in kind. tell me ...what do you think about these suggestions?
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John Seward...don't know what to say brother! I truly empathize with you...but I've found a core set of friends on here, and the elites...i couldn't care less about. you evidently haven't totally given up or you wouldn't have taken the time to comment... Going to your bio page i did notice that since you became a member in January, 2006 you critiqued a tad more than 100 of your peers photos...no disrespect, but if you don't invest in others, they won't invest in you...
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John....what you say is true. I have been rather sporadic. At first I was doing a lot of rating, but got fed up with that soon enough. Then I started critiquing, but found I wasn't getting much reciprocity, so I abandoned that as well. I did make it a point to respond to everyone who critiqued me though. I go in cycles, I guess. I'll probably open a new portfolio somewhere down the line, and invest more time in critiquing. I have learned from some of the people here.
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I haven't looked at the photos, but your intro did make me laugh...love for your fellow photographer...heheheheh :) Maybe next week will be better- it was very hot this weekend- that could affect things!
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Jim...ya gotta define that word "policallyics" for me...after all you're dealing with a guy from Tennessee. hell, we're just now getting adjusted to shoes and indoor plumbing. hoping to get dictionaries soon.... :)
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stacy...i'm just thankful that Pnet didn't censor me for telling the guy to "bite me". :) all seriousness aside... the initial post was done because a.- i was bored, b.- wanted to bring a laugh to some people , c.- was somewhat serious about the flood of terrible photos i'd just viewed, and d.- i'm a trouble maker...my wife says, just a mischieveous little boy. whatever...the good that came of it is obvious in the numerous posts in which people spoke in humor and in seriousness about many issues. we need more "casual conversation" and less "stuffy" bull...t". wouldn't you agree?
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William...I'll assume that your are sincere, and on that basis...I apologize! I do want you to understand that the way in which you wrote your comment gave me plenty of room to think exactly what i thought, e.g., the part where you throw out your credentials, followed by what could very easily taken to be a smartass remark and that there was no attempt to indicate that your comments were tongue in cheek. a simple smiley face (for instance) would have changed the whole tone of the comment. not trying to beat the horse to death...just wanted to be certain that you understand why i went off on you! one part of communicating by the written word is that if we aren't very careful about how our words might come across to others ... and a very unintended consequence can occur. i'm sure you're probably like most of us in that your time is limited and none of us have the time to cover every remark we make with some extensive caveat so that misunderstanding can be 100% avoided. so i will indeed...lighten up! ...now that i understand you! p.s.- i admit to being a bit trigger happy due to the number of times i have experienced sideways insults by people who when confronted...tell me to lighten up. i choose to believe you're not one of them! thanks for writing.... best regards, john
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Don't worry... I too hate cats and cat?s photos... Guess I need to look for help in this area too.. I am past being angry on idiotic sensless rating given to my photos and on the myriad of mundane pics being displayed in PN. The thing is that 6 - 7 or so years ago most of us used film cameras that had two important features.. First, you needed to know something about how to shoot a photo an more important... you needed to pay to have your images developed and printed and the scan them to be able to post them on PN. Today any person that has $100 can produce thousands of digital images and upload them to PN. You find people with digital cameras of all kinds taking photos that nobody would be interested in looking at, not even the photographer. I cannot understand the cellular camera photographers shooting each other in between TEXT MESSAGES but I am sure I am the one at fault... you need to recognize celu-art but it is hard if you are - like me - a 62 years old dinosaur.
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