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darkroom in Los Angeles Area


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I've been looking for a place in LA that privately, or in groups,could teach me how to use a darkroom. I

mainly shoot large and medium format and would love to start printing my own stuff...but have no idea

how to get started and I thought a class of some sort would be a great begining. Any ideas??? Thanks!

sara peterson



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I would call Freestyle Photo (323-660-3460) or http://www.freestylephoto.biz. They have a thriving trade to students and might be able to point you towards a local school. I suppose a lot depends on what part of town you're in.


Other than that, I'd pick up Ansel Adams's Photo Series books, especially "The Negative" and "The Print". I suspect you won't find a better teacher, and I've never seen a better set of books on the subject. (I believe that Freestyle keeps them in stock.)


Keep us posted how it goes!

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Enroll in a Photo 120 Course in Orange Coast College. Hands down THE BEST photography school for the money. Cost is 80 for tuition 40 for lab and 60 for equipment (they have quite a few view cameras you can check out for the weekend which is included in the 60 fee). They have a view camera class which uses 4x5 film so I'm sure the techniques are similar but you need credit in the Photo 120 class first in which you develop and print your 35mm BW film.



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I recently wrote about the photography class at the Barnsdall Art Center in Los Feliz:<BR><BR>


<A HREF="http://blog.blueroosterartsupplies.com/?p=57">http://blog.blueroosterartsupplies.com/?p=57</A>


Most of their enlargers are for 35mm, though they have one that is setup for 120 medium format film. It's a fun place, with decent parking (most nights) and some lovely views of the Observatory across the way.<BR><BR>


As for large format developing, you may want to ask at <A HREF="http://translightcolors.com">Translight Colors</A>, a downtown L.A. darkroom, or the <A HREF="http://www.juliadean.com">Julia Dean Workshops</A> in Venice Beach. <BR><BR>


Happy printing!

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