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MP sticky shutter

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Hi to everyone. I have a black MP bought new in 2005 and still under the

passport warranty. The shutter button has just started to be a bit sticky, not

smooth like it was...it's really annoying. I ran it through all it's shutter

speeds several times, and it still does it. Is there some secret to smoothing

it out, or is it going to have to go to new jersey for the rest of the summer?

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I had the same problem and sent it to NJ after which it came back smooth. Mine took

about 5 weeks round trip from the west coast in mid summer '05. You'd think they would

get the idea that it is cheaper for them to do it right in the first place. Does anyone know

what the difference is in the shutter button action with MP's and, say, M3's of which mine

is still silky after over 40 years, even before I had it CLA'd?

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This is the same problem from the time of the Leica M6. The shutter release of the modern TTL metering M cameras (M6 in the all versions, M7 and MP) have a more long run, due to the activation of the TTL metering. The shutter releases of my ancient Leica M2 and M5 are bit more smooth and rapid than the same stuff of my Leica MP, but i don't care: i have solved the problem with a soft release Nikon AR-9.


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I also experienced this on my Hammertone MP (which I sold recently). I did get a fix on this, and in the end it was quite smooth - but I had a funny feeling that over time, the "notchiness" of the shutter release would return once more.


My ttl, on the other hand, has always been very smooth - almost like the older M's I used to own.


My intuition about the MP is that, while it is indeed a wonderful camera, and while in terms of a "net gain" in general quality over the M6's it may indeed be a worthy investment - there do seem to be some compromises which would favor greater ease and economy of manufacture (like the eyepiece assembly, and those four little screws holding on the pressure plate, etc., etc)- compromises which may include the "frictional interfaces" of the shutter release mechanism.


Not totally sure about the shutter mech. specifically, but I've heard enough about this (and other problems) on this forum to be more than just a little suspicious.

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