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Looking for a 'normal' lens for 30D


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Hi all, I am looking for a fast 'normal' lens for my 30D. I have looked at the

canon 28mm f1.8 (the 2.8 is too slow) and the sigma 30mm f1.4.<BR>

Has anyone got real experience with these, or are any others in this range

highly commended?<BR>I would be shooting some weddings, and rock gigs, as well

as some BMX shots in the late evening- using flashes of course for the outdoor.

<BR>I already have the 10-22mm as well as the 18-55mm (which is waay to slow

for this) and an old 70-210mm, I hope to eventually get the 17-55 f2.8 for

general use but I need a fast 'normal' prime as well.<BR>

Thanks in advance<BR>

PS I am looking at about 200-300 GBP.<BR>

PPS I am also aware the 28mm is quite wide traditionally, obviously this is not

the case on the 1.6 body though.<BR>



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i've used them both on the 30d, and they are both very good.


i now use the 28 w/ a 5d. it's even better.


don't get too crazy about your decision. if you can try them out then do so. the sigma may have the potential to offer better "pop" through separation and background blur. canon is available in more places and can be used full-frame. sigma offers nice hood and case. if you decide on the sigma then i'd recommend sigma4less. great service at about the best price.

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I would only consider the 28mmF1.8 from the two you mention because the 30mm sigma will not fit FF, but that is a personal bias.


These might be of interest to read, perhaps a few lateral suggestions yopu might consider:









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<cite>How do you define, "Normal?"</cite>


<p>Take your pick: either whatever gives approximately the same field of view on a given camera as a 50mm lens does on a 35mm camera, or (more formally) a lens whose focal length is approximately equal to the diagonal of the sensor/film (which, for 35mm film, is really about 43mm, not the usual 50). A 60mm macro lens is clearly not a normal lens on a 1.6-crop body.</p>


<p>If you're looking for a normal lens for a 1.6-crop body, I wouldn't be too concerned about whether the same lens would fit a full-frame body. If you do decide to go full-frame and you want a normal lens, whatever you pick for a 1.6-crop normal lens won't work as a normal lens on full-frame so you'll be buying a new lens anyway. (This is the same reason why, if I stick with 1.6-crop, I plan on getting the 17-55; if I were to upgrade to full-frame at a later date, a 17-x lens isn't much use to me as it's far wider than I want, so regardless of whether I keep my 17-40 or replace it with the 17-55, it would be sold if I go full-frame.)</p>


<p>The topic of what fast normal lens to get for a 1.6-crop body has come up a number of times before. There's no perfect answer; each lens has its strengths and supporters, and each lens has its weaknesses and detractors. As for the list of possible lenses, Sigma also has a full-frame 28/1.8, I believe, which you might want to consider; I have no idea whether it's any good or how much it costs.</p>

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I had issues with the sigma and took it back for the canon 35/2 which I love. However, I don't think its AF will be enough for your BMX work. In that case, I'd take the sigma if you're not unlucky enough to get a bad sigma. If you don't want to risk it, go for the canon 28/1.8.
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There are 3 Canon prime lenses that are so cheap, and so good for the price that every EOS user should consider getting one or more of them. I ended up buying all three:


1) The 28mm f/2.8 (which you've ruled out as too slow)


2) 35mm f/2.0 that several have already mentioned (my personal recommendation too)


3) 50mm f/1.8 (plastic mount, but great glass and costs next to nothing)


The 50mm lens, of course will be a portrait lens on the APS sensor, but I've found it great for that purpose, good bokeh, and it seems to be durable.


As I said, I personally recommend the 35mm f/2.0, and I have found it fast enough for night hand-held photography on my 20D.

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