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Let's see Your Nikon Rangefinders!

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Hi Sheldon. The 50mm f/2 is a nice lens and the f/1.4 is as good as the Leica pre-asheric Summilux. The 50 f/3.5 was considered the sharpest normal on the planet back then. The 105/2.5 was a very popular portrait lens with good sharpness and very smooth bokeh. I still get a lot of use out of my 85mm f/2 (Leica mount). It's damned sharp even wide open. The wide angles were probably a shade below Leitz and Canon lenses of the day. The S3 body was popular with news photographers. Here's one (scroll down a bit) probably with the 85/2 wide open: http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00BXjB

Sorry, I have no pix of Nikon rangefinder cameras.

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If I had been smart five years ago I would have found a Nikon S when they could still have been had at a reasonable price an sent it on to Kovacs for a CLA. My only consolation now is that my Kiev IIa is a pretty good approximation, and likely has more potential than I am likely to realize as a photographer.
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Nice shots Mike!


I once had an S, but I never really got along with the winder, and the 24 x 34 format just

didn't feel right to me, so I sold it. I never really missed it, but I wish I hadn't sold my 85/2

along with it. At the time, lenses for my F2 were more dear to me. Live and learn...

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Thanks William. By the way, those shots are of Stratford Ontario. (you're a Canadian too I recall)


Dave, nice composition and tonality in that shot.


Mike: the S price isn't too bad but most of the lenses will kill you. I am not a huge fan of the Nikon S viewfinder which is tiny and dim with a fairly small RF patch. The S2/S3/SP would be much nicer. I think the Contax II (& Kiev) viewfinder is better IMO.

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