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How is Canon dealing with problem M3s?


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I am on a short list at a local retailer who is expecting a M3 very soon. Does

anyone have knowledge of how Canon deals with the spate of problems apparent in

the ongoing release as it relates to new shipping? When repeated problems are

reported, do they check what they haven't shipped yet for those issues, or does

their process assume there are lemons in the batch and they'll let the customer

do the checking and then go thru the return process? (I know what the answer

should be for a $4500 unit.)

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>>how Canon deals with the spate of problems apparent in the ongoing release<<


What problems are those? The few I have seen posted here could well be user errors. Before posting a "problem" it would be wise to use the camera for a month, ck with the manufacturer first and then, if not resolved it can be classified as a problem that needs solving.


Simply because some people posts their issues after using the camera for 1 day or even 1 week doesn't mean a problem really exists (as in software or hardware design issues). THere can always be a defective unit but, that is not a "problem" that can be solved unless it is a result of bad design and/or factory/manufacturing facility errors.


>>(I know what the answer should be for a $4500 unit.)<<


Any electronic device can have/develop issues, regardless of cost. In addition, the 1MKIII is not a P&S camera. It has lots of customization parameters and it requires a SOLID understanding of those as well as proper programming for one's own requirements.


I think users should refrain from posting problems until after they have checked with the manufacturer and worked through the issue accordingly.

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Giampi hit the nail right on the head. This is a sophisticated, fairly complicated piece of kit. To complain about a perceived problem after a few days of ownership is irresponsible IMO. There's a learning curve with a new lens let alone with a new camera body. Man, things in forums have a way of snowballing, somebody writes in with a problem, I must have the same problem. Take a breath and take some time to learn a new camera.


Good luck.

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<i>I think users should refrain from posting problems until after they have checked with the manufacturer and worked through the issue accordingly.</i>


<p>Sarcasm modem on: but where's the fun in that? It's much better to reduce yourself to the level of dpreview (et al) and try and goad the people who can afford/need the camera with childish "nyah nyah, I told you so" commentary. (Saccasm mode off.)


<p>Mr. Ingram, don't believe too much of what you read on the net. If there are indeed problems with the camera, it's just so unlikely that Canon will call a press conference and announce "SUCKERS!" to a background of uproarious laughter. Errors (if any) will be fixed in the usual manner, and in this case, you'll be waiting just as long for your camera. I'm ordering a MkIII in July or August, regardless of any comments from the peanut gallery.

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Sorry for the wrong term >spate< of problems. My perception is that this is a great camera, and without the benefit of actually having one yet, alz I can do is read about it! So yes I have found some forums where some problems have been reported, and Canon has asked for some to be sent back and repaired, and some have been replaced, and these reflect only those buyers who find and report on the forums. No doubt these numbers are low by percentage of total units shipped.


I have just gone thru a $340 shutter repair on my 20D after around 40,000 shots, so I am trying to learn as much as I can about quality and durability.


My original question mostly concerned with how quality control is adjusted during the roll-out, if at all.

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I thought Leica discontinued--save the special edition--the M3 decades ago. Canon used the

same name for a camera? Or is M3 photogeek pidgin for something else?

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- Robert Hunter

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Quote : "What problems are those? The few I have seen posted here could well be user errors. Before posting a "problem" it would be wise to use the camera for a month, ck with the manufacturer first and then, if not resolved it can be classified as a problem that needs solving."


Answer : It is difficult to use a camera for a month, if after 2 days the gear blocks totally. Let me tell you, I'm not a ghost on the internet, I'm a real user, having had 3 Canon's before. The err99 is quite real and tangible.

No user error involved, unless my experience is letting me down completely.

My camera is back to Canon, and I'm waiting for a new shipment.

It also happened to a friend of mine, and he went to Canon repair, where they also noticed the problem. They couldn't however explain what the source was.



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>>The err99 is quite real and tangible.<<


Sure but, it's not the norm. For example: I have used EOS3s, 1Vs, 10Ds and now 5Ds with a long, long list of Canon EF lenses. The ONLY time I have had ERR99 is when I was working on a fast paced shoot with my 10D and kept changing lenses without turning the camera off (as I usually do). It happened ONCE during ONE shoot and I could never duplicate it.


IN other words, those are errors that, as far as we know, are random. With ANY electronic device there may be issues that are only affecting certain samples, at random. That makes it difficult to trouble-shoot unless the manufacturer can duplicate that problem consistently enough to find a fix for it.

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