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Collapsible Summicron and SOOFM barndoor hood

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I am wondering whether a filter would interfere with the hood. I have not yet

seen one of these hoods in person and it kind of looks as though a filter

screwed onto the front of the lens might interfere with the attachment of the



Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks everyone.

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Yes, there is a small (one millimeter or less) lip on the front of the hole in the hood, which fits against the front of the lens. But, at least a vintage Leica E39 filter is smaller than the front outside diameter of the lens head, and fits through the hole in the lip of the SOOFM just fine.


A hood that was as large in diamter as the 42mm outside diameter of the lens head WOULD be a problem. The hood would no longer be able to go back far enough to catch on the locking groove. But a 39mm filter that is 42mm in outside diameter would be quite generous.

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