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How do you best present your photography business on the web?

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I am starting a business as a headshot photographer in LA.


Key is presenting your work, so potential clients can fall in love with your style.


I know that I need the following (and please tell me where to get it)


1. I found a business name and a web address that is not taken.


Where do I register that business name? (do I have to?) And where do I register the web address?


2. Can you recommend a web host? I'd rather go for a not so expensive solution, but I definitely do not

lower the quality so it would threaten my business by looking cheap.


Could you recommend me a good solution where to host this web site?


3. How shall I present it? Many photographers have flash sites, and I wonder if I should add one more:



Or could I put out one of those web galleries that you can create with Adobe Lightroom?


Any other possibilities?


4. Which format and solution should I present my work in? I shoot RAW and have a natural

disinclination against JPEGs and their handling, that is: non-handling of skin tones.


But I wonder if there is any other way to show your images on the web and not being exclusive. (After

all, many actors have older computer and might not be able to view high-end presentations).


5. Pricing. I have been a photographer for 25 years and actually started out shooting models and actors

and then made an exit into photography for love only, while making my university degree.


My photos are on the level. I focus on bringing out character and character potential of the actor ( I

have taken acting classes to understand actors better, and I also have developed my own preparations

and procedures). I shoot outdoors, not in a studio, as I love natural light.


I very much understand that offering services for too low a price can be damaging. But what price is

right? From my knowledge of the market the basic price for a headshot shoot is around 500$ and up,

and what is below is usually not worth it (I don't want to insult anybody here - if you think I am wrong,

please tell me so).


I want to sell a package including image adjustements, color correction, crop, and guidance to printers I

have tested and prearranged procedures with.


A newcomer in the market cannot charge established prices. So, what price is good to start with? And

do you call it an introductory price?


Thank you for reading - and responding with your advice!

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1a. Register the name with your local government, probably on the county level - over here we register DBA's with Nassau County and pay a small fee.


1b/2. I use godaddy.com for all my website stuff - registering the names and hosting. They usually have some kind of special going on (get hosting and the name is $1.99 kind of stuff) and the service is fine. Hosting costs around $47/year when paid annually instead of monthly.


3. Your personal preference.


4. You have to use JPEGs in SRGB mode. Anything else may not work at all and may take too long to load (people will navigate away from slow-loading pages).


5. Can't help you with this one.

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1. The registration may need to be with your state gov. you may also need a sales tax license.


2. many web hosts also offer website templates which will allow you to quickly and easily set up and maintain a nice website. do research, your choice of host may depend on their offerings of templates.


4. you do have to use jpegs in srgb mode. in addition, for many there's a balancing act between giving a good enough resolution to impress and a low enough resolution to discourage people poachng your images. the other option is a watermark in the image.

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<p>As far as hosting goes, I use <a href="http://www.bluehost.com/track/pynephot/">Bluehost</a> for $6.95/mo including the domain name. Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with the company. I'm just a customer, but I haven't finished building my site yet. If you decide to sign up, please use that link. I get a referral bonus. Thanks.</p>


Personally, I prefer a well-built HTML page to Flash.</p>

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Thanks for the replies.


I just registered my business name web address.


But there is one thing I'd like to know: trademark law requires you that your name is

different from any other person or company doing the same business.


I googled my chosen name, and - devil - I got a hit.


In my county, there is a photostudio for rent that uses the same name. I wonder if this is

to close, and that I therefore cannot use the name, even though I am a photographer, and

not a studio for rent.

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