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Canon EF question

mike odell

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Hello all. I have a Canon EF in need of a CLA. The viewfinder has never been

that bright and I was wondering...Is it possible to replace the EF screen with

a laser screen meant for the F1 mechanical? The EF and F1 seem almost identical

in size...I have to take a second look sometimes as to which I have in hand. I

could always ask the repairman but thought I would try here first. Thanks.

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My EF was overhauled by Essex Camera Service in Carlstadt, NJ. The focusing screens for the F-1 are packaged together with the condenser lens. It is unlikely that the screen section would fit even if the two parts were separated. The EF has center weighted metering. The F-1 has 12 degree spot metering. The metering area shown on the F-1 screen would not work properly with the EF.


Many people make the mistake of thinking that the Ef is just an "automatic" F-1. The two cameras are completely different. The F-1 has a vertically running shutter with steel blades and a top speed of 1/1000. It also has slower speeds which only work when electronically timed. The F-1 has a horizontally running shutter with titanium foil blades or curtains. All speeds work without batteries. It has a top speed of 1/2000. There is no accessory winder or motor for the EF and its gears are not nearly as strong as those on an F-1. The F-1 can have automatic exposure operation (shutter priority) if you can find all of the parts for the Servo EE finder. It is quite slow even by the standards of the EF and I don't think too many are in operation. The F-1 has interchangeable focusing screens and finders. The Ef has neither. I agree that the EF's finder isn't terribly bright. This is ironic because the EF has a very sensitive meter. The laser or L screens foor the F-1 and F-1n cameras do make things a little brighter but not as bright as an F-1N.

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