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Shooting panos with the 70-200mm f/2.8


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The 70-200/2.8 VR would work very well for a stitched panorama, provided the field of view were appropriate for the subject. This lens is very sharp and has little distortion or chromatic aberation. As a practical matter, I find I take most panoramas using the range of 35mm to 50mm. Considering the limited FOV, a long lens will tend to exaggerate atmospheric problems if the subject is far away.


Other than fisheye lenses, which deliberately distort the view, most lenses do not have enough distortion to affect a panorama. I suspect you are referring to convergence, which is related to the point of view, not a flaw in the lens. Dedicated stitching programs like Panorama Factory and PTGUI do a good job dealing with convergence.

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I have a wide array of wide and normal lenses yet my 85 is hands down the best lens I have for panoramas. Giving me great distance from my subject, it really flattens out the architecture that I've used it for (like ankor wat). I recently got a 50mm copy lens that might give me even better results. IMHO I think your 70-200 should give you wonderful results but watch out for overloading your computer. Many of my files end up being >500MB. FWIW I do all of my stitching in CS2.
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