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Remote use of 30D?

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Can the 30D be programmed or set to take a photo when an animal/person or

whatever comes into a preset focus zone? I know on some of the older manual

cameras this was available. Is it on the 30D?


I would like to set it up on an animal run and prefocus on an area where I

expect the animal to pass. Set the camera and have it shoot a series of 3 or

more each time the animal comes into this set zone.

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I think it was the EOS 3 that had a data back that allowed prefocus on a specific area and would trip the camera when anything came into that zone. That is what I want, something in the camera that allows it. All the extra stuff to purchase seems foolish when these cameras are computer driven. Come on Canon, at least give us the same options we had with the film cameras!
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