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New "All (no nudes)" category for Top Rated Photos.


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This would have the very convenient feature of allowing me to look at top rated photos without first putting the kids to bed and making sure my girlfriend is not watching over my shoulder. That's a great idea if you ask me. Whenever I click on "top photos" now, I feel like a perv. It's an odd feeling while being on Photo.net because I do not associate this site with porn or perv stuff...There is plenty more hardcore stuff elsewhere, why does so many people love nude? I like it too but PN is not a source I would use if I wanted to check out nudies, that's for sure.
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I have no issue with nudes, although I've noticed that recently even the first TRP page has got more than its fair share of the genre - to the stage where six or seven out of ten of the images being classified as "nudes" is not uncommon at all.


It's a little overbearing to say the least, and I must admit that its getting to the stage that it's affecting my desire to produce this kind of image, due to the proliferation of the genre.


I appreciate the need for the non-nudes category, and I wonder if the recent rise in the number of nudes has something do to with the onset of Warmer Weather!


I would rather keep nudes in my default selection (ie a true "ALL" as opposed to a filtered one) but would like to see a more even distribtion of the genres among submitters.


rgds, Guy

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I also agree that "no-nudes" should be a default setting. I like to recommend PN to people myself, but you never know how some people will react to the nudes. To some people, nude = porn, and some folks would be upset if I steered their teenager here for the forums and they find their child surfing the nudes!

Thanks to all you folks in PN who work hard to give the rest of us this site. I like it, warts and all!

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If Photonet is intended only for Puritan US residents, then clearly "no-nudes" should be the default setting. For the rest of the world (or for the tiny minority of us in the US who do not consider Anthony Comstock a culture hero and whose wives do not consider classical art to be pornography) this may not be such a good choice. As a 10+ year Photonet user, I had not noticed the domination of nude photos, but maybe I am looking in the wrong places.
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Nice change. You guys and gals at PN that do this for free....THANKS! After 5.5 yrs at PN, I've seen a change that most of the TRP are nudes - nothing wrong with that if they are really well done and deserve it - but for those of us that surf at work to keep track of things, this is a blessing. Thanks again. I can live with the current rating system until the latest/greatest bomb proof system can be designed... After all, it is only a rating and some a$$holes way of having fun with the drive by 3/3's...Could be worse, you could be getting 1/1's...been there done that...
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I agree completely with Carl. The reason I am considering leaving, and indeed already did for awhile, is not because I am a complainer. I love this site and have invested a lot of time in it and I am dissappointed because of specific changes.


Josh, you wrote: "The larger issue, and the reason why fixing the ratings system will take so much time, is that every "easy" solution has been tried already." No on is asking for everything to be fixed tomorrow and if plans are indeed afoot, I'm very happy. But, your comment is not completely accurae. Things were changed that decreased the amount of comments. For instance, I follow up on comments religously. I used to see 30-40 comments a day on photos I had commented upon, now it's 5-10. It would be very easy to make the comment blocks more prominent, as they used to be, and to make them always present. I don't think comments should be forced - that is probably a cure worse than the disease - but the site can encourage comments and make it easy for people to find it. Make people have to choose not to comment instead of making them choose to comment.

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Bill I find it very interesting that the harder Photo.net made it to "game the system" (used to be soooo much easier to manipulate in years past) the less comments and rates occured. One reason why there were so many comments is that people were either gaming or trying real hard to call attention to their own portfolios.
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I appreciate this change, and I have subscribed to photo.net to express my gratitude. I like artistic nudes, in moderation, but PN's top photos lately contain many nudes that are not very artistic and certainly not in moderation. This is a great improvement. I, also, would perhaps prefer that "All (no nudes)" be the default view, but the system as implemented works for me. Thanks again.
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You are probably right; there was a lot of "mate-rating" before and gaming. But, all I care about is making connections with people and feeling a sense of community and getting some useful feedback. If other people are trying to game the system, I can't care about that. All I can do is the best I can and what I think is right. Sure, a lot of comments are useless, but more comments equals more chances to meet someone interesting and more chances to hear sometthing useful or interesting. Before, I got some useful comments now, it's rare. It's as simple as that for me.


I've noticed the same things with ratings. When I post a picture, I get 5-8 ratings immediately (1-2 hours) and then no more unless its an outstanding photo that makes it high in the TRP. What I think happens is that I get ratings while my picture is on that first critique page and as soon as it moves down out of sight, the ratings stop. To me this is important because a good sampling of ratings gives me a good idea of the appeal of a photo. When I get one 3/3, one 4/5, one 5/4 and one 6/6 (which is fairly common), I don't know anything. If the 3/3 or the 6/6 comes from someone with no taste, then the whole thing is skewed. However, if I get 25 ratings, then I can trust the average a bit. At least, that's how I look at it.


So, I do agree with you that there was manipulation before but I would rather put up with that then get so few comments.

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Bill - from July '05 until around March of '06 you were very active on PN with 70 to 200+ comments on images per month ;-) Could be why you had more ratings and a larger community of people you shared info and comments with.


You were pretty busy in May but not near as much as in the past. I find it helpful to participate in a forum or two. You will find people that clearly know their stuff and when they give you feedback you'll know you can trust the comments even more than when you get 25 ratings ;-)

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I had suggested this change in another thread -- hey, thanks!


My original suggestion was that the (No Nudes) be the default, but the way you set it up is even better. The browser remembers my last setting (through a cookie I guess), so once I select the (No Nudes) option on my workplace browser it comes up as my selected option next time I come back to the site from that computer. Perfect.


I agree that given that it works this way the All unrestricted is really the best default, since it just makes sense for the default Top Photos to pull from everything out there. Best of both worlds.



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