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Dhobighat at Mahalaxami -Mumbai - India

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Dhobighat at Mahalaxami, is the wash center of Mumbai. I got the chance to

visit it, quickly, and got some photos. I tried to explain a little bit what I

understood. maybe some mistake, but more or less,, that's like that.


To see, on my web <a href="http://www.fredericpascual.com">Frederic Pascual


Then,, go to NEWS or STORIES.

Thanks for your visit and comments.

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Solid Pics. However, i have one critique. I looked at 3 galleries:India, and 2 leica galleries, underground and bikes. About 40 photographs and not a single vertical shot was posted. I don't understand this. Usually a typical experienced photographer or pro will shoot at least 1 out of 3 shots vertical. Obviously from your shots you are accomplished. Why no vertcals? My guess is you edited your web site this way intentionally. If so, it was a mistake.
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@John.. Thanks.. and funny critique... I never paid attention before about the low rate of vertical pics. But you were unluky. Theres is some in both events gallery, as well in travel (At least Alger). Also 11 shots in my PN Gallery (..I am safe .. ;)). But anyway, that's just a few. For sure,I did start to take photos before to design my web, and for sure I am not an experienced or pro photographer. But, just to give you one answer, I simply feel better like that. My photos are 98% not croped, and in my mind the horizontal view is the closest from the human view. It's my humble opinion. Taking a vertical is, from my point of view, starting to crop our natural vision. So, why the viewer of the camera are not vertical ? The natural vision, must be around 46-48mm and the ratio, 1x1,5, is the closest to the Da Vinci gold number (1,62). After that, there no more intentinnal reason. Thanks a lot for this. And thanks a lot for your visit.
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I didn't find the gallery difficult to browse at all. I enjoyed your work.


I like the consistency of the gallery and the preponderance of horizontal frames. The concert shots that were vertical really stood out though...they did add a dynamic quality.

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Hi Frederic -


Thanks for sharing this wonderful set of pics. I like the site very much - in fact had visited before but a while ago. The B&W work is wonderful - very rich, lovely tones, beautiful light. What kind of film/processing are you using?




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Thanks MArk.. I use TriX and a "local - Spanish" product called TONAL+. But, I ve some trouble with the scan, and the post production. The negs are perfect for copy, but I need to improve the scan, some scan are very bad, if you pay attention. Thanks for your visit and comment
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