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graflex century graphic: does anyone use these?!!


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I noticed there was no category for the graflex century graphic, so i thought

id poke around and see if anyone still uses this camera. I got mine a couple

years ago at a used shop for 250 with a RB67 back and nikkor lens. it's an

amazing little camera, plus i can pair the back with my RB67.<div>00LEFQ-36620884.jpg.740fefbe9564351fd1d3574b77497604.jpg</div>

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I - cough! - have three, one of which I just brought back from the dead after an idiot on eBay broke it in a half-dozen ways while cleaning it - plus a pair of mini Speed Graphics, a couple of Busch Pressmen, and a B&J Watson. Oh, and a baby Crown that I'm currently rebuilding. And a 1940's Miniature Speed Graphic that's almost back to working condition. At the moment, anyway. A couple are in the process of being sold, or will shortly be offered for sale.


The Century Graphic, with its plastic body and horrible, horrible leatherette, is hard to love, alongside to its leather-covered, wood-bodied kin. But it's lighter than a Speed Graphic, and (a lot!) cheaper than a Crown. Hey, works for me...


Did you have someone make replacement bellows for your Century, Adam, or did it come with those? Grey-bodied Century Graphics all originally came with red bellows, as far as I know. The red bellows command something of a premium, yet seem to have aged much worse than their black counterparts, so it's not as if finding grey-and-black Century Graphics is uncommon.

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Mine came with the bellows when i got it, but the guy who owned it obviously put alot of time into making it nice. everything is perfect. the lens is a nikon nikkor 105mm copal 0. the lens board tilts backwards and forwards and up and down. it's one of my favorite little cameras.
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  • 4 months later...

I recently bought a Century Graphic w/a Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar 1:3.5/105mm that has Linhof in red on the front bezel around the lens. Also has the leatherette finish, with a black bellows. I have 2 questions,1st- can you tell me more about why the na,e Linhof is on this lens? 2nd- The "leather" is curling at the edges, does anyone know how to repair this before it gets any worse?

Thanks, Terry

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Linhof makes cameras, sold (may still sell, for all I know) camera kits with lens(es) included. Lenses with "Linhof" on the bezel have passed the manufacturer's quality control AND Linhof's quality control.


In theory, Linhof weeds out the real clinkers, but no one knows what their rejection rate has been by maker, model, and year. Since used lenses have been subject to abuse, it isn't clear that an old Linhof selected lens is a better gamble than the same old lens without "Linhof" engraved on it.


Not sure what the right cement to use is, ask y'r question on www.graflex.org

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  • 8 years later...
<p>I acquired a Graflex Century Graphic a few weeks ago, and have been loving it! It came with a 105mm Xenar 1:3.5, and have been shooting 6x9 120 roll film with it. Just last week I acquired a second camera and am using to mount a 47mm Super-Angulon lens for wide landscapes. I'm also planning to shoot Galaxy Hyperspeed DP-Paper in both of these cameras, initially I'll cut down larger sheets to 2.25x3.25, but as soon as they start their first production of the 120 rolls in December of 2016, I'll be using it that way. Did you end up using this camera, and what experiences can you share about it, if so?</p><div>00dt5M-562438484.thumb.jpg.e42cfdb9cd175e01c2a526c599ab340d.jpg</div>
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  • 2 years later...

I recently purchased a Graflex Century Graphic; I have not yet released it since I am in the process of adding accessories and lenses for her.


I think it's in very good condition for a camera that is about the same age as me and came with a lens that, as far as I could find, has a good reputation: a Kodak Ektar 105mm. f / 3.7 in Graphic Flash Supermatic shutter.


If you think you understand Spanish (or do not worry about the Google translator giving you scares of death or incomprehensible phrases) here is the link of a forum in Spanish where I exposed my initial doubts:


Escalas de enfoque en la Graflex Century Graphic - Cámaras Clásicas - Formato Medio - Page 1




... I have verified (after) that it is an ancient thread with little activity ... this does not seem to be the site of the Century ...:(

Edited by ljherrero
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I have verified (after) that it is an ancient thread with little activity ... this does not seem to be the site of the Century


And the way to go is to post a new post, not to tag onto an old, dead thread.

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Luis, there's nothing wrong with reopening an old thread.


I read the discussion on formatomedio.eu. I've tested the 75/4.5 Tominon, ex-MP-4, at distance on my Graphics. Not a good lens at infinity and it doesn't cover 2x3 (6x9 in metric) at infinity. I've never had a 105/4.5 Tominon, your 105/4.7 Ektar should be much better. Not the best normal lens for 2x3, but better than the Tominon. In my opinion -- three examples -- the 135/4.5 Tominon is mediocre at all distances. The only Tominon so-called macro lens that's worth using for general photography is, in my opinion, the 127/4.7 for Polaroid Gel Cams. The MP-4 Copal Press #1 shutter is very useful for front-mounting lenses in barrel but a regular cock-and-shoot #1 is better.


Tomioka was an independent lens-maker, was absorbed by Yashica. As far as I know no other maker -- Osawa was a marketer, not a manufacturer -- made lenses badged Tomioka or Tominon.


You may want to read my lens diary at http://www.galerie-photo.com/telechargement/dan-fromm-6x9-lenses-v2-2011-03-29.pdf


If you're interested in extreme wide angle lenses for your Century, please see short lenses for 2x3.xlsx


photo.net isn't the best place to learn about press, technical and view cameras. THE site for information about Graflex cameras is graflex.org. The best anglophone site for large format cameras is Large Format Photography Forum It regards 2x3 as medium format but people there know quite a lot about Graphics, all sizes. If you read French, you might enjoy galerie-photo.info, but posters there don't know that much about equipment made in the US.


Finally, the first post in this Where to look for information on LF (mainly) lenses discussion has a link to an annotated list of links on LF and other equipment. You might find it useful.

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Luis, there's nothing wrong with reopening an old thread.


I read the discussion on formatomedio.eu. I've tested the 75/4.5 Tominon, ex-MP-4, at distance on my Graphics. Not a good lens at infinity and it doesn't cover 2x3 (6x9 in metric) at infinity. I've never had a 105/4.5 Tominon, your 105/4.7 Ektar should be much better. Not the best normal lens for 2x3, but better than the Tominon. In my opinion -- three examples -- the 135/4.5 Tominon is mediocre at all distances. The only Tominon so-called macro lens that's worth using for general photography is, in my opinion, the 127/4.7 for Polaroid Gel Cams. The MP-4 Copal Press #1 shutter is very useful for front-mounting lenses in barrel but a regular cock-and-shoot #1 is better.


Tomioka was an independent lens-maker, was absorbed by Yashica. As far as I know no other maker -- Osawa was a marketer, not a manufacturer -- made lenses badged Tomioka or Tominon.


You may want to read my lens diary at http://www.galerie-photo.com/telechargement/dan-fromm-6x9-lenses-v2-2011-03-29.pdf


If you're interested in extreme wide angle lenses for your Century, please see short lenses for 2x3.xlsx


photo.net isn't the best place to learn about press, technical and view cameras. THE site for information about Graflex cameras is graflex.org. The best anglophone site for large format cameras is Large Format Photography Forum It regards 2x3 as medium format but people there know quite a lot about Graphics, all sizes. If you read French, you might enjoy galerie-photo.info, but posters there don't know that much about equipment made in the US.


Finally, the first post in this Where to look for information on LF (mainly) lenses discussion has a link to an annotated list of links on LF and other equipment. You might find it useful.


... I know that it is not usually forbidden to revive old threads, but I have always had some prevention, especially when it comes to years: it is always possible that I am answering or questioning someone who is not already in the world of the living (I apologize if someone considers this a sign of too black humor)


The reference that you link has been almost, almost, my header document since two months ago I bought a Graflex Century Graphic; I never assumed that I was going to meet (almost) in person the author..o_O


I know the site graflex.org and it has also been a good source of knowledge; something I have advanced (Wow, I have all the Tominons 75,105 and 135, but not the only decent one, the 127) since I sent the post to formatomedio.eu that you mention, specifically:


1) I have mounted a lens board (I have bought several) a Mamiya Sekor 65 f / 3.5 for tlr (C-330, etc.); I do not think it covers 2x3 (or 6x), I would be happy if it reached 6x7


2) I have mounted on another lens board another Mamiya Sekor 90mm f / 3.5 for Mamiya Press; This should cover 6x9. It does not differ too much from the focal point of the standard lens (105mm) and it is not a complicated lens (Tessar); It's about to prove.


3) The same with another Mamiya Sekor 150mm f / 5,6 also for the Mamiya Press


4) Finally (also to be tested) two lenses from 6x9 folding cameras have been mounted on two lens boards; a Tessar 105 f / 4,5 (from a Zeiss Cocarette) in Compur dialset shutter and a Ross Xpress 105 f / 3.8 (from an Ensign 820) in its Epsilon shutter. I suppose you will consider this a waste of time, but it is already done; I will always be able to reuse the lens boards.


In addition to that I have done with some other support (I have seen in another thread of this forum that deals with the subject) in addition to the original Graflex 6x9 that already had; two Mamiya for the RB-67 (6x7) and another Graflex for 6x6 (RH-12), both Graflex are wheel, not lever.


Anyway, I'm a lot to prepare before finally shooting a photo: what is giving me a little fear is to see the volume (and weight) that I am piling up for the blissful Century. I'm still looking for Angulones and Super-Angulones ... I hope to find one that is not in the clouds (of price) and can reach it.


Thank you, Daniel, for your interest and for the valuable information of your guide.


(Sorry for my English: all the mistakes, inconsistencies and incomprehensible words will be due to Google's automatic translator)

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Thank you, Daniel, for your interest and for the valuable information of your guide.


(Sorry for my English: all the mistakes, inconsistencies and incomprehensible words will be due to Google's automatic translator)


No hay de que.


Leo Espanol, entonces puede comunicar conmigo en su idioma propia.

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