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In three weeks, I'm takin' a jaunt to Colorado and plan on visiting Maroon Lake/Maroon Bells, the Mount Sneffels Wilderness, and the White River National Forest (possibly the Gunnison as well). Can anyone out there tell me how the color is progressing? Since I've never been to either of these areas before, is there any area worth seeing more than another? Many biologists have told me to hit the PLATEAU...any advice on that? My major concentrations are aspen forests, wildlife, and the

Mount Sneffels Range with the presence of color. Thanks All!!!

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Just spent 2 months in colorado myself.I covered most of the state and the maroon bells-snowmass wilderness(aspen) and the area around telluride/sneffels/ridgeway are the 2 best areas-most awe inspiring with jagged and beautiful peaks.The bells are fully lit up in the early sunrise(6 a.m. in june!).Get to the bells before 8 a.m. cuz after that they refuse cars entry and charge you 5 bux to take a shuttle.The old express creek rd near ashcroft on the castle creek rd in aspen provides incredible jagged mtn views after 5 miles-it is a 4x4 rd and meets taylor pass,i hiked up the last 3miles.Remember to drink tons of water all the time cuz the altitude will mess you up.Buckskin pass and the trail up from maroon lake(5 miles) is killer and at the pass you get awesome view of snowmass mtn and amazing mtn vistas.
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I just got back from a drive in the mountains. I noticed the first signs of leaves turning on the non aspen trees other than that lots of flowers and slowly drying out grass. it looks like three weeeks might be a little early for really good color (fall type) but let me Know how it goes.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Mike, I definitely recommend you visit Maroon Bells area first, then head for Dallas Divide just west of Ridgeway for Mt.Sneffels. The Bells usually are best between Sept. 18 to the 26th and Sneffels is best between Sept 26th and Oct 3. I just came over Independence Pass on my way home Sept. 7, didn't see any trees turned yet although branches here and there have turned which is about normal to a little late. The bus into the Bells is mandatory between 8AM and 5PM, outside of this window you can drive in yourself and stay the entire day, just don't leave between the listed hours or you won't be able to return until after 5PM. The light is best in the morning, after 5PM will find strongly backlit mountains (good for silhouettes!). Sneffels is good morning and evenings, even mid-day if there are clouds to soften the light. Hope this helps your planning, good luck!
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