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Nikon F3HP LCD Shutter speed help


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I have a Nikon F3HP that I have been using for a while that produces good

images. I realised today that on "A" Auto mode that the shutter speed changes

after the shutter is released even pointing at the same light source. This is

not the case on manual shutter speed set mode.


For example if the shutter speed of 1000 indicated before releasing the

shutter, just after the shutter release it reads 250 or so something less

depending on the initial shutter speed. From the images it produces and looking

at the shutter during shutter release, the shutter speeds seems to be accurate

enough (I know it is crude!!!). I checked it with one of my other newer F3HPs &

a F3P it is not the case in "A" mode.


Please let me know whether anyone has noted this problem and is it expensive to

fix it? In Australia where I live the repair shops take 4 weeks to just check &

quote and may be longer to fix!!!! Many thanks in advance. Help is really


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No problem with the F3. It has stepless shutter speeds in 'A' mode, so what you see on the LCD is just an approximation of what the computer is choosing. I have found my F3 to have the most accurate meter of _any_ Nikon camera I've ever used. Love it, wish it could be digital.


Would be a good idea to shoot a test roll of slide film though to check it in 'A' mode. My slides come out perfect every time, my old FE2 wasn't nearly as accurate.


The Nikon F3 will probably live forever. It will certainly outlast me.



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Some questions: Have you experienced this with different lenses? How many time is the wrong read (say 250) displayed after the correct one (say 1000) returns?


Take note that I`m not an expert, I just wonder if the auto-aperture lever is getting stucked in the camera or in the lens. You can experience something similar if the mirror is stucked or slowed down at their travel, thought.


Check the aperture lever spring at your lens, then check the auto aperture spring lever at your camera. You can feel by pushing them if they are worn out or "lazy". You must feel a solid resistance at the camera spring. When the shutter is released, it takes up and down the auto aperture lever of the lens almost instantly. Look at this.


The spring at the lens is somewhat softer, but clear.


Check the mirror: it must have a fast and complete travel.

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No, the speeds are stepless, which means if it says 1/1000 it could be 1/1250 etc. If you set the speed manually, you get that speed. I have the Hove photobook on the F4 and F3 (I think this is a Hove, before it became Magic Lantern) and it discusses the shutter speed selections when in 'A'. High tech for 1979. Still performs flawlessly.



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Hi Jose,


You are a genius. I worked it out.


The mirror dampening foam is semi melted and the mirror sticks for a brief second before it comes down so the meter reads low light therefore a brief lower shutter speed before coming back to normal!!! To prove this then I stuck a little piece of sellotape on the foam so it is not sticky and the speeds are fine. So my F3HP needs new foam which could be easily fixed. Many thanks again.



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