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Question for iMac users

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I'm considering getting an iMac (I've only ever used PCs); one of the main uses

would be photo editing. I have Photoshop CS2 although most of the work is done

in CameraRaw - I don't use most Photoshop features.


Having googled for a bit I see that Elements 4 is not natively supported and it

seems that Photoshop itself is in beta (I assume it refers to CS3). Well how

good/bad is it in Rosetta, is it stable/fast? Will it be any better on 2Ghz Core

Duo iMac than on my current 1.1GHz PC?


Finally, perhaps I don't have need Photoshop at all at the moment. What I do is


1. Open a raw file from my Canon DSLR in 16-bit mode

2. Crop, sometimes with rotation.

3. I really like WB presets in CameraRaw so I need something similar.

4. Adjust highlights and shadows.

5. Do selective lighening/darkening (I've been using select/levels)

6. Usharp mask.

7. Send to Epson Picturemate and save in some lossless format.


Is GIMP OK? Or anything else that works on iMac and doesn't necessarily cost a




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You can purchase Elements 4.0 for Mac.


Here is a link to Amazon:







For what you describe this should work for you.



You could also consider Adobe Lightroom or Apples Aperture but both run more moola

than Elements 4.0.

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If I'm not mistaken, you can get a cross-platform upgrade for CS2 at a reasonable price. I've

been using CS2 on the 20 inch iMac G5 for a couple of years, and it works remarkably well.

The new Intel iMacs should be even better. You may be able to run your current windoze

CS2 on them. I'm glad I got the 20 inch iMac since the screen area is useful for various PS

functions. Sorry I can't comment on the PC comparison, as I don't have one.

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Adobe Photoshop CS3 has been released, and now runs natively on Intel iMacs. I ran the CS3

beta on a Mac Mini with 2GB of RAM, and quite frankly was not blown away by the difference

in speed, (at the file sizes I was using, around 60MB) between it and the CS2 I already have.

For me, an upgrade is a waste of money.

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Thanks Michael, I'm thinking 20-inch as well. I didn't realize the emulator could run windoze apps although I'd heard Tiger is Linux-based and there's been talk of emulators running within Linux for years. The question is, is it just a proof-of concept kind of thing or something useable every day hassle-free.
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I have both PsCS3 extended and Adobe Lightroomon my imAc (Bibble Pro, Capture One, Canon and Nikon's software and RawDeveloperare instaleldas well.


Lightroom does 95% of the work I need to do.


What I use PsCS3 for is for the the Noise Ninja nad Photokit Sharpener plug-ins, for PC33's"photomerge function, and sometimes I'll use Russell Brown's 1-2-3 script as well.


I am using a 20" 2.16Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo with 3Gb RM installed and two scratch disks on external (via FireWire) HDDs.

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Good choice, Imac 20inch add some RAM to at least 2gig and you are good to go. Maybe you will benefit in your workflow working with Ligthroom?


Im surprise by Yeung Seu Yoon comment about the non blown away speed performance between CS2 vs CS3, because for me i will have pay 2x what i pay to upgrade knowing of the major speed i got with mine. I have a MacPro Dual 2.66 with 4gig RAM, 4 RAID hard drive, so maybe the speed come from there also.

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