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The Next New Thing


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What will be the next new thing? Rather what should be the next new thing? Or

how could we turn the wedding photography business on its head. What product or

system or solution could we offer brides that changes the whole business? I

have heard Gary Fong's system of sales and marketing - too many people are doing

it. I don't like it anyway.


Let's brain storm a new plan, product or solution.


I'll start.


Free Wedding Photography for Bride & Groom based on sales from wedding prints.

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i had heard of this guy who had patented a flash system that attached to his head. he got a regular bike helmet, attached a silver reflector to the helmet. he then attached to remote flashes to the helmet, so they would bounce off the reflector. so he was walking around with a giant reflector on his head everywhere he went. can you believe he actually got a patent for it. i wish i could remember what his name was.
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I agree with Colleen ... Jesh's look is amazing. I think more and more couples will want "artsy"

photos that are less traditional.


Or maybe that's just what I'm HOPING for :) I heart Jesh.


That umbrella on the head thing is pretty funny. I saw a picture of that guy somewhere. At

least everyone in the photos you take will be smiling ('cause they're laughing at you!)

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"Free Wedding Photography for Bride & Groom based on sales from wedding prints." -Mike


Giving the B/G all their proofs for free if their guests ordered enuff reprints is a "golden oldie" for most wedding mills.


Seems to me that the digital revolution has turned the industry on it's ear over the last 5 years or so. I don't think there has ever been a more exciting time to be in the bussiness.

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Maybe an album where the groom's face could be easily changed out with the bride's next husband :-).


Jesh's work is gorgeous and unique. For me though his images seem more about the art and artist than the couple and their wedding day. That's just my opinion, but I don't think his style is going to revolutionize wedding photography, though it will appeal to some couples.


I do think that people will increasingly want at least their formals to have a high fashion or magazine look. I think many togs will be challenged to achieve that and that will continue to separate the top practioners from the rest of us.


Marc, what do you think?



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I am playing with an idea that I am sure will be hugely successful and will net me millions in my first year. Of course, it's such a powerful idea/technique/product/service/business model that I'll never disclose the details before I go to market. However, I can give you a hint and if you guess what my plan is, I'll cut you in as a business partner. Hint - You will need the following... one large rubber band, one paper clip, four 50' rolls of 2" gaff tape (half of the rolls white, half of them black), a pony, several gallons of liquid-light emulsion and a thermos of fresh coffee. I'm going to try this for the very first time at my next wedding this weekend. I just know I've got a winning idea. BTW - does anybody in the Houston area have 40' extension ladder?
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Everything "old", becomes "new" again. The process is cyclical. For example B&W wedding photography was near death by the early 1990's. What was once considered "old fashioned", has since been reborn by a new generation of brides.


In my opinion wedding photographers need to concentrate on the "old" basics. Now days too may enter this field with only the best of intentions, and a new unfamilar camera.

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