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Going price for Canon 50/0.95 in M mount?


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I do know a sample in a shop closeby (has been sitting there for >3-4 years). This one (TV lens again) is near mint. I have not checked how the glass performs. But that can be done easily with the Epson R-D1s without any mount. Email me at your leisure and I can give the information for you to contact. The listed price is too much in my opinion (reason why it has not moved) but should be negotiable.


Good luck with the air in Mumbai! :)

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Lutz - I sold one about 18 months ago for around $1100. In checking eBay I see the lens alone recently sold for $1007, so perhaps you're talking in the $12-1300 range for the modified lens.
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Hmm, I missed out on an M-ready lens yesterday which was auctioned for $1150 on the bay... Since I was internetcafe-dependend here in Mumbai and the auction closed around 1am I had to bid high way before the auction ended (which might have lead to the high final bid - as opposed to last second sniping...). Anyway, thanks for the indications and, yes, Vivek - if you have a trustworthy address for having the conversion done, let me know. It might come in handy for when I'm back and have more time on my hands to deal with the matter. Cheers, Lutz
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