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Nikon D200 - Memory Card Compatibility and Maximums


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Hello all,


I have a Nikon D200 and want to upgrade to the best possible memory card. I

would like to know what the maximum speed and storage limits are for the

D200. Right now I'm looking at either a Sandisk 8GB Extreme IV or III or

perhaps getting up into the 16GB range.


Does anyone know what speeds and storage capacity the D200 will handle?


Thank you so much for your help.



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Don't have a D200 so I don't know what the maximum memory limits are. In my D100 I limit card size to 2 gigs mainly because I'm uncomfortable putting all my eggs (or pictures) in one basket. If you have several cards you don't lose everything if one malfunctions.
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I have to agree with Wayne. Putting all your images on one disk may be convenient, but all it

takes is one time for that disk to fail.


Staying with reputable, proven brands increases the reliability. I shoot with SanDisk and

Lexar, 2 and 4 GB sizes and have had no problems whatsover.

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A D200 has much bigger RAW files than those from a D100. Just because of those bigger files, you'll need higher-capacity memory cards.


I bought my D100 back in 2002 and in 5 years of shooting digital, I have yet to have any memory card failure. Recently I bought an 8G Extreme III to use on my D2X and D200. I can fill that card in 2, 3 hours of active wildlife shooting and it is nice that I don't have to change cards. If you are juggling 5 to 10 1G cards, it is very easy to misplace them and lose your images that way. I have seen that happen in real life, not me, but someone else.


At this point an 8G Extreme III is just over $100 and continues to drop quickly in print. Personally, I would buy at least 8G from now on. If you are uncomfortable putting too many image files on a large card, you do not have to fill it. You can always use up 4G and switch to another card, but it is good that the capacity is there if you need it.

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I have to agree with Shun as well. (What can I say, I'm an agreeable person.)


I shoot RAW, and tend to edit as I go. So a 2 to 4GB works for me. But the 4 to 8GB cards are

more practical for more images.


One thing for sure, the days of 1GB are definitely limited.

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I am shooting RAW exclusively now and use 2GB SanDisk UltraII cards. Writing speed has only been an issue a few times so far. I purchased an 8GB UltraII card a few weeks back to address the issue Shun is referring to but it failed me on the first outing. None of the others ever did in over 30000 shots. The advantage of not having to switch cards that often to me is outweighed but "don't put all your eggs in one basket".
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It also highly depends on what type of subjects you shoot. For example, if you mainly shoot inside a studio or landscape, you probably don't need very large cards. If you shoot sports and wildlife action, you can easily fill 8G in a couple of hours.


Either way, I wouldn't want to juggle more than 3, 4 memory cards. If you shoot action, I would change cards when they are 80 to 90% full, maybe even just 50% full if you don't want to put too many images on the same card. Just find a few seconds of down time and put in a fresh card. That works for weddings too. You don't want to be caught to have no space left when there is action.

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I shoot sports and find it much better shoot 2 gig cards. Course, I use this in conjunction with a couple of cards and a portable HD (HyperDrive HD-80). I really recommend that system more. Rather than relying on just the CF cards, I can back them up. And if I run out of storage on however many cards I have with me, I can reformat it knowing that the info is on the HD. Oh, and the HyperDrive has one of the best write checking systems, so if it says it go it, it did. But this also allows you to shoot one card in the camera, and one card in the HD. It takes me a matter of seconds to flip the cards, and only a couple of minutes to back up a card.


Oh, and stick with Compact Flash, avoid MicroDrives, they just eat waaay too much battery.

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Another way to look at it is you have control over loosing a card. If you loose one it is your own fault unless someone robs you or something. On the other hand you have absolutely no control over when a card is going to go bad. Notice I don't say if because the card WILL go bad at some point. You just don't know when...
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Thank you all so much for your responses. They are all very much appreciated and I have made up my mind. I actually have purchased the SanDisk 8GB Extreme III on Buy.com partnered with Adorama. If you buy it on buy.com through the new Google checkout, they give you a $10 credit. So, I ended up picking it up for $107 with shipping.


Thank you all again, I'm really looking forward to replacing my current 2 GB Lexar Professional 133x with this new one and using the Lexar as my auxillary.


Next step is gonna be investing in a new lens :)


Cheers to all,



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