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50 1.2L vs 24-70 2.8

jeff mein smith

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You might wanta read the EF 50 1.2L USM threads at FM. Dem dar pixel peepers makes ah

hoe lotta bitch 'n whine about bad copies and softness.






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Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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Trust me , I would have been a 50mm 1.2 owner if I have several thousands burning a hole in my pocket.<p>


But I just would like to contribute for now.<p>


The 50mm 1.2 IMO and from what I've observed, Is the same as the 24-70 2.8 regarding copy to copy image quality variations.<p>


Some say the 50mm 1.2 is very sharp, But in the link below, That lens is soft wide open and not as sharp as the 35mm 1.4L ( I'll probably buy this lens, instead of the 50mm) when stopped down.<p>


<a href="http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/ISO-12233-Sample-Crops.aspx?FLI=0&API=0&FLIComp=0&APIComp=0&Lens=403&Camera=9&LensComp=121" >Link to the 50mm vs 35mm test</a><p>


To be fair though, I think the 50mm wasnt even properly focused by the tester at wide open on that test, But I'm not sure.<p>


You might ask yourself, Why would I waste my time answering your post (since you said, please, only real owners!) . Let me tell you that I'm not really wasting my time, I'm just honing my typing skill, So that in the next semester, I'll be in grade 4 elementary, I'll surprise the teacher how much better typist I am than her.

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My 24-70L is my sharpest zoom. Not as sharp as primes though (50/1.4, 85/1.8, 100/2.8 macro) But sharper than all my zooms (16-35, 17-85, 28-135, 70-200, 100-400) Try buying locally and testing before you buy. went to the store took shots with 3 copies and noted the sn. Then went home pixel peeped and saw very slight variation, then went back and bought the sharpest.



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I own both. I've had the 24-70 for about six months and sharpness is ok.

Maybe I need to send it in for calibration. The 50 1.2 I had for 2 months but it is at the canon service center in Irvine Ca, My copy was very soft wide open compared to my 50 1.4, but better than the 24-70 at same focal lenght at 2.8(same settings on M). Hopefully canon will fix the problem. The color, I really cant tell a difference between the 24-70, 50 1,4 and 50 1.2. The only thing is that the 1.2 has excellent flare control. I think I will sell my 50 1.2 if canon cannot make it sharper than the 50 1.4.

If you have any doubt about your lenses send them in to canon. I also sent out my 30d for calibration.

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I own both as well. Perhaps it is just that I am lucky, but after using dozens of EOS lenses sice 1991, I have never faced the sorts of problems that seem to affect photographers these days: front focusing, back focusing, sharpness conundrums, you name it.


As long as the lenses deliver sharp, nice, and contrasty Velvia slides, I am happy.


Oh, the two lenses I own are fine.

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