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RB67 Pro S viewfinder


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I'm thinking about buying a Mamiya RB67 Pro S and was wondering how bright (or

not) the standard waist-level viewfinder is. I used a Yashica Mat 124G in the

past and the finder was quite dim, it was hard to focus in less than perfect

light. Maybe someone here has used both cameras and could tell me how they

compare in this respect?


I have read that the viewfinder of the RZ67 is brighter, but not if there is a

significant difference to the RB Pro S.


Thanks in advance for your help!

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From what I've seen, they are quite a bit brighter than many TLRs, but you can always replace the screen with a brighter Interscreen ($$) if you work in low light often. Another advantage with the screens in the RB is that you have around 7 factory screens to choose from and perhaps that many more by Beattie. I've just ordered one myself (Pro-S), but I've seen the screen on other people's cameras and they appeared brighter even than my M645 screens.


- Randy

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On a RB the viewfinder has nothing to be dark or not, its just the screen and the standard screens are not so bad, I never have had troubles to focus. The advantage of the RB proS WLF is that its fully enclosed, so you dont have reflections from your face on the screen.<br>regards<br>Martin
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Thanks, people! Just bought an RB67 Pro S, I'll have to see for myself how bright the screen is, propably it will do anyway, I don't plan to take pictures of anything like star trails.


I figure I can still order one of those Beattie or Satin Snow screens if necessary. Could anyone maybe point me to some websites that offer them, and that ship to Europe?

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