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Spanner wrench for lens retaining ring


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I found myself without a spanner wrench this week, so checked the suppliers online and found UK

prices upwards or 40 UKP. I applied lateral thinking and yesterday contacted a supplier of watchmakers

tools in London. This morning their T-S 48 adjustable watch case opener arrived by recorded delivery

mail. It's perfect for the job, moved the tight retaining ring in a moment ? and cost me in all 6.44


Made of two strong castings and coated with hammerite, the tips open with a knurled roller to a max of

>50mm. If you need extra torque (I didn't) the tool is capable of being gripped in a mole wrench.

At this price you could afford to lose half a dozen of these before they'd cost as much as the standard


Supplier: www.rnhorological.co.uk

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So it is. Thanks for pointing that out. And very good value too. But I just did a Google search

on "Rodenstock lens wrench" and couldn't find a single example located in the UK, thus not

subject to customs surcharges (8 UKP standard "handling" fee), let alone one that was

available within 24 hours of first enquiry. Add to that, 6.44 UKP works out at under $14,

which is even better value than the Rodenstock.

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I make my own by screwing a couple of wood screws through a scrap of wood, at the correct spacing for the particular ring. Then I grind down the ends of the screws until they fit the ring notches perfectly. I've got 2-3 of them sitting in a drawer. Cost: about 25 cents each, plus maybe 10 minutes time.
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