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nikon's sharpest lense

gunpreet singh

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Hi friends, i am having a Nikon D-80 Camera with 28x105 AF 3.5 Lense. i just

want to know more about lense, i am working on still life, studio photography

would you suggest me the sharpest lense for still & studio photography,

currently i am using close up filer kit for my lense for taking closer shorts,

micro feature is also very good in this lense.

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Nikon has so many sharp lenses, and for a starter, I would suggest 50mm 1.8 (less than

$100), or 60 mm 2.8 macro. 105mm 2.8 macro is razor sharp. By definition, most of the

macro lenses are sharp. What do you want to photograph with sharp lens?

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For still and studio photography - the devil's in the details. No one lens is suitable for all applications.


The Nikkor 85/2.8 shift-tilt lens is nearly ideal for studio stills and table-tops. With time to fool around, the tilt/shift function allows you to overcome the nemesis of table-top photography - depth of field. By all accounts (q.v., http://www.naturfotograf.com) is is one of Nikon's sharpest lenses, and free of chromatic aberation.


Other outstanding lenses would be the 55/2.8 AIS Micro and the 200/4 AF-D Micro. For more general photography, the f/2.8 zooms are hard to beat - 17-35/2.8 AFS, 28-70/2.8 AFS and 70-200/2.8 AFS/VR. These are as good as most primes except for resistance to flare.

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"Sharpest lens [by Nikon]" is a meaningless statement on its own. You need to include at least *one* additional criterion, for example, "sharpest wide-angle lens" or "sharpest medium telephoto lens" or "sharpest lens for close-ups" or something similar. Plus specify the image format the lens should cover adequately. Otherwise, the proper answer would be a diffraction-limited f/1.2 29.5mm Ultra-Micro-Nikkor. True, it has an image circle of a few millimetres and is optimised for just a single wavelength of illumination and a single magnification ratio, but it *is* diffraction-limited over most if not all of its few aperture settings (I believe it might go to f/8). But even with their limitations from the design parameters, any Ultra-Micro-Nikkor or similar will blow away even the fantastic 200/2 AFS-VR (which, incidentally, on its own blows away the 200/2 AIS it replaced). I own some of the Ultra-Micro and Repro-Nikkors and their image quality is mind-blowing.


Suffice it to say that there are a host of "ordinary" Nikkors that at their optimum aperture settings resolve much more detail than can be handled by a D2X camera.

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"Sharpness" is overvalued anyway :-P


To a large part "sharpness" is an illusion of our visual system and hardly ever well defined in technical terms so its impossible to answer the way you asked you question.


If you asked for the heaviest lens you might get more precise answers to the point :-P

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I own the Nikkor 60mm 2.8 Micro and it's very sharp and the overall image quality is excellent. The 60mm is considered by many to be one of the sharper lenses in the Nikkor line up. As long as your not photographing things where working distance is an issue (i.e. bugs), you'll find more uses for the 60mm. I think it would be an excellent studio lens as well. The 105 would be a great lens too but a bit more limiting due to the focal length. I use the 60 for Macro work mainly flowers, but it's a very solid portrait lens and in some cases can be used as a walk around lens. I find myself leaving it on my camera all the time my 18-200 is feeling neglected. I had a 100mm Macro with my old Canon and it didn't get used that much due to the length.
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