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Almost decided on a 70-300 IS ...


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As stated on the subject I am going to opt for the 70-300 IS lens versus the

more expensive 100-400 L . My question is will it work effectively with the 1.4

tele extender. I have heard from some I may have to go to manual focus because

of this. I own a 30 D , so my goal obviously is to take advantage of the sensor

size and both of these lenses to acheive greater reach at a lesser price... Any

suggestions ?


Thanks to all

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<p>I'd echo what Ross said: do you need a 70-300 zoom, or do you basically just need the long end and sometimes longer? Back in the days when I had a 100-300, I found I almost always used it right at the 300 end, and so eventually I upgraded to the 300/4L IS USM, which is a very good lens. If you're in the same boat, I'm sure the 300/4 will be better optically than the 70-300 (I wouldn't be surprised if the 300/4 wide open is better than the 70-300 stopped down a stop or two, even), and the extra stop of speed could be useful both with the lens on its own and because you'll retain full use of AF with a 1.4x.</p>


<p>But there are many cases in which a zoom makes much more sense, and if that applies to you, the 300/4, as good a lens as it is, won't do the job for you. The 70-300 is possibly the best (and certainly among the best) telephoto zoom you'll find short of pro equipment.</p>

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For the price of the 70-300 IS you do not have many options. Despite what people may say it is not going to have superb optics because most of it's cost is in the IS option. Even if you were to add a 1.4x and use it manually the results would likely be quite soft with lots of chromatic aberation. If your budget also includes the Canon 1.4x then with both you are getting close to what a used Canon 100-400/5.6 L IS would cost.



In the same price range is the optically superior Canon EF 70-200/4 L, but it is 100mm shorter, although you can autofocus with the 1.4x and get good results, giving you a maximum length of 280mm.



Another possibility is a used Canon 100-300mm f5.6 L, which is less than your budget, but it does have the older autofocus system and again probably not compatible with the Canon 1.4x. It would be optically better though.



If you are going to be stuck with manual focus then you may want to think about a Nikon 300/4 ED IF, TC-14B (their 1.4x), and EOS adapter, all for about $500 USD. This combo would likely be optically superior to any of the suggestions so far and while it will meter with your camera you will have to set the aperture yourself, but that should not be a problem since these long lenses are usually used wide open anyway. Good luck.

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One other suggestion in your price range, with a little less flexibility, is the exceptional Canon EF 200mm f2.8 L with a Canon 2x teleconverter. Even with the 2x this combo is likely superior to any of the Canon 300mm zooms with a 1.4x, and you will have autofocus. You would have to live with having simply two focal lengths, a 200 and a 400. It would be a very lightweight and easy to use combo. The 200 on it's own would provide you an exceptionally fast telephoto when you need one and is one of the best lenses Canon makes. Good luck.
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"Despite what people may say it is not going to have superb optics because most of it's cost is in the IS option."


John, do you own this lens and speak from experience? Most of the reviews say that this lens is optically excellent. One review even favourably compared it optically to "L" lenses (although not the build, obviously.) Maybe your copy is below par for this lens.

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