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I wanted to let my F100 be cleaned


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I have feeling that viewfinder of my Nikon F100 needs some cleaning. The

contrast is not the best in it and I feel it is bit DIM. So I wrote e-mail to

Nikon Service point in The Netherlands. They reply very fast and even in

English. (I do speak Dutch, but writing is still a bit problem for me).


On my surprise, they seems to not read my email. So I explain again what I like

to do and they again answer in short time. But again I have feeling like they do

not want to do anything for me, even not read my email. Or simple they just did

not understand. I am attaching our email conversation. But I have no idea what

should I do. Any suggestions?


Maybe I simply need to find some other Nikon F100 around and compare the





Dear Sir, please excuse me writing in English, but my written Dutch skill are

not on necessary level.


I would like to ask you about the price for cleaning my Nikon F100. Especially I

have feeling that viewfinder could be improved by cleaning.


I found on your web site only prices for digital cameras.


Thank you for your kind answer.


<b>Nikon Service</b>:<br>

Dear sir,


We don't have specially prices for cleaning a camera. The website tells you only

about cleaning a CCD (sensor) of a digital camera.

Why does the camera need to be cleaned?



Well I use camera every day and it has already few years and there is

dust inside of film chamber, I could clean that myself as I always do, but I

have feeling that viewfinder is very cloudy. I believe it needs to be cleaned.


What kind of regular service do you do for F100 SLR?


Thank you for your kind answer


<b>Nikon Service</b>:<br>

If there are no problems with the F100 there's no need to let it cleaned



Richard Vanek<br>

<a href="http://www.richard-vanek.eu/">www.richard-vanek.eu</a><br>

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"but I do not have that tool they use there"


Sure you do. A fingernail works just fine for releasing the screen.


For what Nikon would charge for a cleaning, you can probably replace your screen with a new one. The new screen will even come with the "tool".





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Using a can of compreesed air or a camera blower, firstly unscrew the rubber eyepiece surround and blow out the little cavity behind (dust gets on the moveable dioptre lens I have found), then using a microfibre lens cloth, clean both sides of the eyepiece you have just removed. When done, screw this back in place and give the mirror chamber a good puff of air to remove dust on the focusing screen and mirror.


This will clean all the loose dust out, however to clean the focusing scren completely you will need to purchace a different (spare) screen to be able to get a set of the special tweezers which come with the screens.


Ian, UK

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With the Internet, it might be better to contact Nikon in Japan, and inquire what a camera cleaning, with a lube, would cost? Then, if you have a e-mail from the parent company, the local branch might understand that you need specific services done on your F100 film body. [Worst case: you may have to air freight your camera to Japan for service.]
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Well I do not have dust, I only feel like viewfinder has lower contrast. Feels little milky not that sharp anymore.


BTW: I have got final answer from nikon service just now.

they told they can clean viewfinder but they can't say how much it will be as they do not know what all will need to be done to clean it.

They will charge anyway 36 euro even if they do not do anything.


I checked local store for B screen. It is 32 euro.

I may first check some newer F100 and see if it is real problem. You know I borrowed lately D200 and viewfinder there is bit smaller (of course) but much brighter and has more contrast than my F100



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Hello everybody,


I have clean the glass on viewfinder and checked focus screen as well as mirror. Than I went to the near by place. I visit very nice person who was offering his F100 for sale.

I compare my viewfinder with his. I also had a chance to compare it with Nikon D200 and Nikon F5 as he owns them all.


Result? Viewfinder of my F100 is perfect and I must admit the main reason why I though it is bit cloudy, was simple dirt and greasy glass covering viewfinder and probably also that I looked at it at night.


Comparing D200 viewfinder with F100 just insured me that my F100 has bigger view (expected as different size of sensor/film) and is as clean if not cleaner than D200. D200 has a bit higher contrast and feels to have little warmer color cast.


So result: I proofed myself that my F100 is perfectly in order. Also get experience with Nikon Service and as last it showed me that I need to clean the basics first and than start looking around. I am glad I was able to compare my F100 to other one.


BTW: The situation when I couldn't see other reply to my original message where result of not fully refreshing cache of proxy when I looked at this thread from work. Now when I looking at it from home (no-proxy) I see all.


Thanks for your comments!


richard vanek


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Richard, my F100 viewfinder had a softness I couldn't understand... until I checked out the methods to adjust the built-in diopters. Look at the manual because I think they explain how to do it.


If not... heck, here it is: you have to aim the camera towards a clean, white, uniform surface (a wall), and then move the little knob next to the viewfinder until the readouts in it appear crisp and clear. Mind you, we're talking about the focusing points and the cross diagram visible in the viewfinder, not the subject. Turn the knob until you see them very sharp and clearly. That's a world of difference!


Take care!

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thanks for this. I actually did it two days ago and yes it also helped I think I had like 0.5 - 1 Diopter off.


And when I was playing with it (without reading manual) I realize that it effects how sharp I can see focus marks. So I set it to be perfectly sharp :-)



Richard Vanek<br>

<a href="http://www.richard-vanek.eu/">www.richard-vanek.eu</a>

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