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1st Wedding - what an experience!


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I shot my first wedding on Saturday. My only experience was a 2 day wedding

course. The course gave me a lot more confidence - but the real thing is much



First thing I realized everything happens at a 100 mile an hour and you don't

get the time you require to do things exactly as you planned - especially when

people are late and delay you. Also, situations can change suddenly - like the

best man forgetting the rings and you are told to take some extra photographs

in the bright sunlight to delay the Bride when you are set-up for low light no

flash photography inside (and very nervous). I made some mistakes, forgot a

couple of poses - then remembered most of them again.


However, the guests were completely unaware of these inner doubts because I

managed to come across as confident, professional and patient (apparently).

Once I relaxed though I loved it! Joking with the guests, organizing poses and

I got such a rush from this type of photography - something you don't get with

landscape photography! Everything and anything happened (at this wedding

anyway) and it was great to be part of it.


Technically I had very bright sunlight outside and it was very dark inside (no

flash allowed). I used a light meter to get accurate exposures throughout and

I was very happy with the results for my first wedding (unpaid). I managed to

get some nice low light shots, bounced my flash to get some soft light shots at

the reception and positioned guests in places to minimize the harsh light -

could have done better with fill-in flash on a few though. I used the 17-55

f2.8 IS and 70-200 f2.8 IS as my lenses on 2 cameras all day and night - and

surprisingly the 70-200 wasn't too heavy for that length of time. I'm either

stronger than I thought or the adrenalin helped! I did switch to 1 camera at

the reception though.


I've got a while to go before I get to the standard that many here have - but

I'm determined to get there. I'm gradually sorting through them now.

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This is awesome to read! I am about to shoot my first wedding in a few weeks. I haven't had

much time to think about it since I am in the middle of shooting a movie at the moment, but

reading this makes me more aware of the mindset I need to be in. I am sure you did great!

Thanks again... -Michaela

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It is a rush, that's the whole reason we do it I think :-) Strangely enough after three seasons on my own (two of them fully booked) I still get that buzz. I always come home on a high (you can tell by my blog! I always blog as soon as I get home because I just need to share my excitement with the world LOL).


Anyway, you have a great approach and it sounds like you dealt really well with the inevitable challenges. Well done!

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I believe the saying that would fit this situation would be[ Fools rush in where angels would darn not go!] I started shooting as a helper on weddings I would just watch reload cameras and etc! then later I was allowed to bring my own camera and Film same as being used at that time, aand all fotos that were taken belong to the fotografer but he allowed me to keep the negatives and have my own prints to show future cleints when we both felt I was Ready: SO Think Long And Hard Before You Due A wedding by yourse4lf without any EXPERIENCE of shooting a wedding BECAUSE ITs A one Shot Deal Here::\\\\\\\Lauren
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The delays,lateness etc. ALWAYS is made up for out of the photographer's time. Speed is essential. Crowd control capabilities are essential. Knowing you get one chance for many photos is essential. Learning to redo ceremony shots because no falsh is allowed during the ceremony is essential.


Why do I always suggest people assist for a season or a few b4 doing a wedding on their own with a seasonced pro? You can learn in a few weddings assisting what you can never learn anywhere else.

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First off, congratulations.


But yeah, I gotta echo the whole, "be an assistant" thing. I worked around 70 weddings as an assistant/2nd shooter before I shot one on my own. When you're shooting a wedding for free for your friend they might not mind if you forget something or miss something because you weren't ready, but when you're charging strangers for it everything has to be perfect.


Things like understanding different religious ceremonies and what moments are important (and where you need to be to catch them) can really only come through experience.

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That's awesome Stephen! Since you did this for free, it sounds as though you were clear up

front that this was a portfolio-builder and a first-time wedding for you. If so, no worries. I

think you can learn a LOT more by just jumping in with willing clients than by assisting. I

assisted all through high school, but when I shot my first wedding after college it was a total

shock. NOTHING like assisting! :) Assisting is awesome, but there's nothing wrong with the

way you're doing it either!


Can't wait to see some of your images!

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Thanks David, but the professionals of today don't want the competition when you go solo as far as I can see.


2nd I got every shot - best man producing the rings, Groom putting ring on Bride's finger, kiss, confetti shots, emotional moments, detail shots. The low light was dealt with by using fast IS lenses.


As I indicated my people skills were also up to par. There is always something to improve on, but I certainly went above the snap shot level they would be happy to receive.


Maybe I'll look at contacting more photographers to assist again. But I'm not hopefull on that score.

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quote: "Thanks David, but the professionals of today don't want the competition when you

go solo as far as I can see."<p>

I've never bought into this idea of professionals not hiring assistants/second-shooters

because they "don't want the competition". If that's true, then those are probably

photographers who are in the very early stages of starting their business themselves.<p>

But it's crazy for any talented and established professional to be afraid of a newbie

competing in the same market as them. Everyone knows it takes at least a couple years to

really establish yourself in this business (and that's if you're talented, smart, and have the

right personality/attitude). Plus everyone should know that there's plenty of wedding work

out there to go around. If someone is afraid of "competition", then they are actually

insecure about their own photography/business talents.


Plus, just about every wedding I've ever attended and every professional photographer I

know has an assistant and/or second shooter along with them.


The truth is that there is just more supply than demand for the job.


Sorry to diverge from the original thread. Good to hear that you a great time!

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I agree - but if they charge less and budgets are small - even if the quality is not the same, then perhaps that's what they're thinking.


Anyway, have a word with my local photographer Ni. ;-) Didn't even get a reply to my email. But I think he's a perfectionist and wants to take all photographs himself - rather than a threat from a assistant (which is another reason some people work alone).



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Is it viable for a photographer to charge only $300 a wedding...? I know we had that conversation about the $500 photographer a while ago, but, as one of the latter for this year, I can't imagine getting by at $300 per wedding...



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I've done weddings for about 15 years, some of the free once in a while, I don't see why

not... some of them just for fun, but I have to remember I'm into weddings as a payed

photographer so I have to charge accordingly... it depends on the area you are located for

the much part.... but then again I sometimes remember that my best photos have been free,

what an ironic joke on myself....


this post just inspired me this comment....

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