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Capture NX -- best price or buy used ??


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If I happen to stumble across some one selling a used copy of Capture NX is it

legit? I have not seen one, but if I do... Is is possible to register a

previously owned copy of Capture NX? What is the registration/activation



Also, what is the best price you've seen and where(US source)?

Thanks very much.




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Paying for it through Adorama for $ 129.95 means you get a licensed version & a manual. That alone should be a reason for paying for it. Compared to other programs hardly something to make an issue out of.


Also, but paying for it yon insure that Nikon will continue to spend money on developing the software further & giving us better & better tools.


This not an item you buy used or hacked.





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Did I in any way imply that I would not be paying for it???

This software is just another Nikon product. Who here never buys used Nikon products? Should we all leave what we don't use on the shelf so we don't discourage Nikon from making anything new?

Whether or not the license is transferable is a legitimate point as well as the registration question. So, thanks to those who actually supplied information.



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One more reason why you can't usually buy a piece of software used. You can't buy one new

either. In fact, in most of the countries you are reading this in, you've never bought a single

piece of software. That's right, you didn't buy Photoshop or DXO or Capture NX or even Mac

OS or Windows.


You LICENSE it for your use (read the agreement), and most licensing agreements do not

include transferability.


Just thought I'd add that.

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"One more reason why you can't usually buy a piece of software used."




Adobe will let the software (Photoshop CS2, for one) transfer to a second owner. The first owner must 'remove' the program from the computer it was registered on, then the second owner can install and register the program.

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