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professional looking albums needed - Inexpensive


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i am shooting a close friends wedding in august for free. its a small wedding,

and they were not going to get a photographer. as a gift i want to get them a

very cool bohemian looking album to suit their personalities (but professional

looking). i do not have my own business so i am pretty limited on my options i

think. also, since i am doing all the pics for free and getting them developed,

i dont want to go TOO expensive (over $200)

i know picky, picky! any ideas for me?? thanks in advance ;)

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Check www.blurb.com - you can get an 8x10, 40 page, hard cover, coffe table book for $30 plus shipping. Not at the level of an asukabook or artleather, but very good quality for the price, and they give you free software to design the book. Additionally, you can place it on their storefront for others attending the wedding to buy directly.


Only con I can think of is that there is a limited number of templates (20 or so).

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