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digital point and shoot with 22mm wide angle for realtors


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If you're 5' tall, 105 lbs., and drive a 7000 lb. SUV, you're probably a real

estate agent. The folks at RealPix (<a

href="http://www.realpixcamera.com/">www.realpixcamera.com</a>) have designed a

camera just for you:





<li>22mm wide-angle perspective to make small crummy rooms look big (fixed lens

so no time wasted zooming)</li>


<li>built-in flash with matched coverage angle</li>


<li>640x480 resolution (less than 1 MP and they are proud of it!)</li>


<li>built-in memory</li>







This is an interesting development because it shows that we've gotten to the

point where the innovations in compact digital cameras will be reducing the

number of features and specializing the product for an application.




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That is interesting, and it points towards an underserved market. Although I'm working in

this field right now, I'm not too interested, however. The company I shoot for wants 3 mp

stills. I use a KM 7D with an 11mm lens, providing a wider perspective and a larger sensor

that handle strong contrasts. I have manual controls, access to auxilliary lighting, etc. But if I

didn't know how to use all that, I might be drawn to this camera. Soon, we may be seeing

what happens when you turn out armies of agents with untrained eyes, and witness the truly

awful things that can happen when you aim ultrawides at architecture.

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It looks like an interesting combination of things. Expensive glass, f/2, powerful flash, focus free, low res sensor, no LCD preview, a very strange mishmash of high end and low end coming together. It's a radical idea that has me wondering if it'll take good pictures. The reviews are going to be interesting.
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It has the right ideas but wrong features. I'm a architect and wide angels is all I use and need for my line of work along with contractors, real estate agents and many architectural related fields. I'm still using my Nikon Coolpix 8400 and recently added a Kodak V705 and now Ricoh have come with its GX100 that I'm looking into. All three have lens that start at 24mm which is vary vary useful for my line of work and most of my colleague are looking into the same camera's I'd just mentioned. I'd wish more camera makers offer more models for our field instead most camera's out there are from 38- to infinity and beyond zooms.


I hope someday a cell phone camera can start at 20mm so I can take a picture in the field and email it back to the office and solve problems on the spot. I don't need megapixel, raw files, or accurate color balance cause what I need for work is totaly different then what I want for photography as a hobby. A lens that has a sufficient range to capter a object relatively close up and zoom out enough to show the object in relation to its surround contex in a limited space is what most architects and its related professionals need.

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I would like to offer that, Realtors, for the most part do not understand how a properly lit, dressed and composed photograph can greatly aid in whether a house is viewed are not. Look any website of a realtors and you can see how most are rather dim and underlit. Sometimes it is as simple as turning on some interior lights. As well, some minor tweaking in Photoshop helps to.
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