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Canon 17-40 f4 L

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This morning when I put the 17-40 f4 on my 5D body, I noticed a little noise and

had to force slightly to go from 20 to 17 mm and forth ...


A closer look and I identified the culprit: the connection tab between the outer

and inner barrel.


I suppose this is the connection for the diaphragm and/or the focus motor ?


I sent an email to BH to get a RMA (the lens was purchased in feb and was used

not very often).


This is my first issue with an L lens and is quite disappointing.


Anybody had this issue before ?

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You need to get that lens back to the shop ASAP, I also have the same lens and the 5D, they are a great combination for Landscape/street work and to date (touch wood), no problems.


They should replace the lens if new, or if used at least repair FOC under warranty, either way do not try and use it anymore, and return it immediately even with attached photos to show what you have found, that way they cannot send it back with "No fault found" sticker!

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