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Any comments ?


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Sorry if I offended you giles and I appreciate what you are saying.

But I do think there are slightly less negative ways of saying you

don't like someone's photograph. Remember that attacking

someone's photograph is similar to attcking them personally as

a photograph to most people is a way of expressing themselves





Instead of attacking a photograph, how about "constructive"

criticism? I think that is what Ivan and most others may prefer.




If you could slightly adjust that and offer some advice it would be

very helpful. Seeing your previous posts, I know thta you are

highly capable of offering great advice.

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Thank you Kristian, I think we should call it quits. As a study of a

symbolic, representative object in Ivan's life the picture is

obviously of importance to him. Yes, even I can see the attraction

of the light and tone that was admired by others, IMO it didn't

appeal to me but it is simply my opinion - this is a wonderful forum

for different opinions - some agreeable some not so.




Apologies if my first post was flippant.

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Ivan, thx for replying. Yes, I think I do not have the background

knowledge to understand your photo. Im sure there is one, and a great

one with LULU ;)




Keep them coming!!








Giles: With regards to your misunderstanding with some of us, just

let me say this when u make a critique.




When anyone post a pic for critique or sharing, it is obvious that

they think it is a grea pic or something worth sharing. Or else, why

else would anyone post? Would anyone post a DULL pic on purpose?




So, when u critique a photo, be it bad or good, please be

constructive as best as u could.




When u say " This photo does nothing for me" . Fine. But show us an

example of something that does. Or else, why should we care if it

does anything for u or not? I mean, the poster would not know what

does for u and he/she did not post a pic just to suit u.




If u dislike a photo, just say something that can improve a photo.

Please dun say things like " This photo should go to the family

album" etc. This says nothing about the photo but only your likings.




Like u said, this forum is for different opinions. But we can make

this better by supporting each other's work, right?




Im sure u dun make WOW pics everytime, so why should u be so bold at

times? We can help each other by asking questions about techniques

and compositions, but we can destroy each other more easily by






And im of the opinion that if one does not regularly post pics for

critiques, their comments should be even less harsh.




I mean, how do we know how good your work is and why should we agree

that our work is bad just because u said so?




Show us something, so we can learn from u too, GILES.;)

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Sure the attention is on Giles right now but he is not the only one

guilty of not offering advice after disagreeing. We all are at times,

and I myself sometimes find it difficult to find the right words

when typing. And if you see Giles new post, he is trying to find out

what scanner to buy so that he can display his work too. I am

sure we are all excited about seeing what he has to offer, and

giving our respectful and honest opinions. Nuff said on this






Any more comments about Ivan's pic?

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