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advice needed on a little business idea


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I'm just looking for any advice, concerns, comments on the following..

I answered an ad posted by a resale boutique owner located across from a HS

(even more fun as it's my own former HS). She was initially looking for a

photographer to share rent. I'm not sure what promtpted me to respond to the ad

as I am no where near looking for studio space or to share rent anywhere but

anyway, I responded asking more about her proposal.


She is interested in having a photographer to

1) take photos of things for her to sell on ebay. - [ok I can handle that -

though no clue what to charge]


2) looking for a photographer to come in a few days or evenings and take photos

of HS girls trying on and modeling her clothes. I think she is thinking this

would be a fun marketing event for the boutique. She would also have someone

there to do hair and makeup - with of course the goal being that it would create

interest in her boutique and generate sales. She would be giving the girls

prints from the photo shoot and she would be paying me - at least that is her

inital idea.


I am meeting with her Wed to talk about the whole idea further but meanwhile I'm

brainstorming and hoping you all can contribute to my thoughts :)


1)Why would I want to do this?


- to make money (then comes the question, how profitable could it be)?

- to gain exposure and possible future senior portrait or other type of clients?


2)What do I need to consider in doing this?


- I would need to invest in some lighting equipment

- Are there any things to consider as far as the fact that the girls would

likely be under 18 - should they be signing a contract agreeing to have their

photos taken and posted to a password protected site in order to order prints?

(in addition to any the store owner would give them)


3)What the heck would I charge the boutique owner?


-I suppose charge for my time to shoot and hope I get print sales in addition?


4)Should I bail on this idea and focus my energies elsewhere?


Thanks guys for any comments!

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Well, the thing that I'd check into first are the laws where you are concerning cosmetology. Essentially, doing hair and make-up, whether for money for the service, or as part of a package. Being an unlicensed hairdresser can get you in big hot water. I know that as photographers we're always pushing hair this way and that, but this sounds a bit more serious.


Another legal concern would be if the boutique owner uses the photos in ads you'd need model releases, and if the girls are under 18 the release would have to be signed by a parent or guardian.

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Thanks Al. I will ask about the cosmetology stuff though I would think that's a seperate issue from me, I would still want to only be involved with licensed professionals. I would guess she has gathered such professionals in the same way with their benefit being gaining business for proms or just regular clients.


And yes, I did think of the boutique owner wanting to use any photos and would make it clear they are not hers to use. If she wanted to provide the girls with prints "for free" I would have her compensate me and then I would release the prints myself to the "clients" and the boutique owner would not even have them in her possesion.


Good points thanks!

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There are just too many unanswered questions. How much rent for how much space? Is it a high, medium, or low end used clothing store?

How much paid work is the owner in a position to give you? Has she had good luck with eBay sales so far? Will you be covered by her liability insurance for shooting done in the store? Are YOU expected to do the hair and makeup? As for making any significant money, it's somewhat doubtful, but who knows?

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First thing is your time commitment. If you have a studio you will have to keep some sort of regular hours. You will need some sort of lighting set up with tripods etc. You might also need your own phone line with advertising (however this could possibly be shared with the store.) Ordering over the internet doesn't seem to do a very good job why buy photos when you can just email your friends with the url where they can be viewed for free?
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Thanks Art and Peter. I am not renting the space at least not for quite a while - but I would be staring out just coming to do photography and see how it all works out. It is a resale store with high end resale clothing and accessories and is located across from a high school in a very affluent town.


No need for phone line as my cell is my biz phone and would not be doing any advertising aside from passing out biz cards.


Good questions about her sales, her liability insurance - no, I will NOT be doing hair and makeup (lucky for the girls).


I'm not thinking I would make much from this but maybe work which would grow out of this from referrals and recognition. Good point Peter about internet photo sales. Maybe I would give the owner proof sheets instead.

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