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"So what do we all do for a living?"

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I don't have a job.I found my Leica M6 gear in the back of an

unlocked station wagon(hey,the guy must have been insured,in fact

anyone who leaves their car unlocked deserves to have their cameras

stolen,true?)I am hoping to become a pro' in the next couple of years.

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A real mixed bag! Commercial/Stock/Weddings, etc. got lucrative

but I started to hate it (Bob Todrick, I hear you!), so I've pretty

much dropped that side of things, and now do humanitarian aid

photography in Ethiopia a couple of times per year. This work is

really exiting, but it is just now starting to roll and really doesn't

pay well. I also design and build view cameras, my latest is

patent pending and should be on the market before the year is

out. I've written design/build articles for View Camera magazine.

I also show (and try to sell) b+w, all formats, in various galleries.

I teach photog also, through various faculty adjunct appoint-

ments and at nearby Dartmouth College. My dream now is to

build and sell a few view cameras per year, and spend as much

of the remaining time as possible in Ethiopia with my Leicas.

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Started out as a radar field engineer with Emerson Electric. Had an

Air Force radar background before that. Had a mid-life crisis, went

and got a master's in clinical psychology. Now I am a Licensed

Clinical Professional Counselor. I have a small private practice and

I am also the solo therapist at the branch office of the local mental

health center. My boss calls me "Bob's one-man show." I work with

victims of emotional/physical/sexual abuse, and other trauma

victims. My hobbies are photography, carpentry, and learning about

feminist philosophy from my feminist philosopher wife.

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Professional photographer,documentary,some weddings-luv them!

Done work for Cancer Support Groups in the States,Abused People,in

California ,Taught Photography for a New South Africa,Some Press &

publicity.Together with othe profession,technical,have wandered around

the world.I never leave home without one of my Leicas.Xcept today.

Huge snowstorm in Toronto and really felyt better using old

Pentax,should I fall...

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"I build titanium bicycle frames"




Hey Kish,I do alot of road-racing and mountain-biking.What are the

frames called? Being 17 stone I ride steel frames,but I would be

interested to know............oops,sorry.....and er, have you ever

taken a photo of the frames with your Leica?




I rode from Lands End to John-o-groats in 79 hours,49 mins and 4 secs.

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